Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Power of a Spoon

The child has all these super cool toys and do you know what her new favorite is? (She can roll around to get what toy she wants now. She is done playing with the toys I hand her she can just get her own toy!)

The favorite toy is a mixing bowl and spoon. I give her some random kitchen goodie while I fix dinner – keeps her entertained AND I get to fix dinner. It is a winning situation. This week I got tired of washing this random kitchen goodie every evening so I figured I would just leave the kitchen goodie in the corner and I could give it to her when I cook. Lydia has spent her week rolling past all the cool toys, past her favorite play partners (i.e. mom and dad), and clear across the living room to get to the BOWL and SPOON.

I think this must mean she is going to be a chef. Or maybe a drummer.

Monday, January 24, 2011

One word: Dentures

Are teeth really necessary? I think not. Soup is tasty and affordable. Icecream is delicious. We would all get used to eating pureed fruits and veggies. Our gums would probally toughen up enough that we could chew some foods. No need to go to the dentist – no teeth. I am really only seeing advantages to this. And after being awake for hours every night calming a screaming baby I really think think dentures are the way to go.

The only fly in my ointment is there is no evidence of a tooth. Lydia’s gums are white and she does not want them touched. She is chewing on everything in sight (but don’t all babies do that???). BUT there is no tooth. For all this night time screaming, I really want to see a tooth!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


My six month old is a little bit weird. She still loves to be swaddled. Love may not be a strong enough word to describe her pure delight when I lay her down in her crib and swaddle her. When she was a newborn I spent my days re-creating the womb for her. As she grew past the newborn stage and the swaddle blanket was a tight fit I discovered the sleep sack. I quickly discovered that my child can not sleep with arms. So I tucked her arms into the sleep sack BUT her arms could escape into the arm holes and then this sweet little angel would wake up screaming. After many sleepless days and nights (you would think eventually the child would learn to sleep with arms – but no!), I just put safety pins in the sleep sack and closed up the arm holes.

Well, she is six months old now. Summer is coming (and the sleep sack is warm). Not to mention she is outgrowing this contraption. So I found several days when I was going to be home with nothing pressing going on and we were going to break the sleep sack habit. Wrote on the calendar, “Sleeping with Arms” for Tuesday and Wednesday.

Tuesday morning dawns. We have a little ceremony of taking out of the safety pins of just one arm (we are going to ease into this entire “no arm” thing!). We proceed to have our nap time routine. Lay the drowsy baby down. Walk out of the room. Close the door. No screaming. Do a little “sleeping with an arm dance”. And go take a shower. As I am stepping out of the shower (all of ten minutes later) I hear a frantic baby screaming – obviously scared or hurt. So I run into her room thinking the child is bleeding or there is an intruder in her room only to find this dear little one with her one arm infront of her face, eyes wide open, face of extreme terror, and screaming. Ok, she is scared of her arm – encouraged that yes this is the right thing to do (scared of your arm, really the time has come to sleep with your arm!). So I lay her arm down and give her the pacifier. The child does not sleep for this nap. UGH! Afternoon nap – no sleep. By bedtime she is overly tired but I lay my one armed bandit down anyway. She lays in her bed for an entire 10 seconds before screaming. At 12:30 that night, I Google and discover that there are sleep sacks available through size 4T. Armed with that piece of information my one armed bandit is now properly swaddled.

She is so peaceful when swaddled. Huge smile on her face. Drowsy eyelids. Cuddly. I know she will never be cold. She is happy AND sleeping (which means we are all happy).

The lesson I learned on this particular Tuesday: Sleeping with arms is just too complicated. No arms = happiness!

(I would include a picture but am NOT taking the chance to wake up this child with the flash of a camera!)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

You Need Sleep and My Ears Need a Break!

Don’t judge me but I admit I stooped to a new level today. After my dear little one screamed (yes, screamed – she does not cry!) for over an hour with NOTHING wrong, I was standing outside in the cold giving me ears a moment of silence it occurred to me that my daughter does not appreciate the life she has been given. So since sleep was certainly not on her agenda anytime soon, I scooped her little body up and took her outside. Standing on the porch, I explained to her that her dad and I work hard to pay the mortgage AND the heat bill there is no reason for her to be inside in the warmth screaming and for her dad and I to be outside. So if she is not going to appreciate the indoors that big patch of clovers will be her new bed. (For inquisitive minds – no, I would not really let my child sleep in the clover patch but standing outside listening to my voice is calming to this child.)

After that little discussion I took her back inside laid her down in her warm and cuddly crib and the child went to sleep. If only I had known that all she wanted was to be outside for a few minutes I would have taken her outside much earlier in this afternoon adventure. OR maybe she actually understood what I said and decided her bed was better than the cold clovers...

The good news is after sleep, she really can be a sweet baby! (Yes, I am biased but is that not the cutest baby ever???)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Baby food adventures return. Today is fruit. My personal favorite baked pears with cinnamon. Not sure that the baby will get to have any of these because I loved these! I am thinking about hot baked pears, vanilla icecream, and caramel drizzled over the top. Yummy! Needless to say, I am not sure that the baby will get any of these pears J