So for months now when Lydia starts whining I inform her "sign, don't whine" and show her the sign for what she wants. Typically followed by Lydia then signing and getting what she wanted. Which this works. UNTIL...
My dear husband kindly informed ME that there are times when Lydia has been signing for "more" and I am oblivious (sometimes washing dishes is just so enthralling!). And then she starts whining and thus the previous scenario picks up.
This weekend Lydia has a new trick (let me preface this by saying that my child hates to be reprimanded and once reprimanded will not do said activity again. Hoping this character trait continues for a long time!).
I am unsure yet how I feel about this little trick but it goes like this:
Mom: busy doing SOMETHING (dishes typically!)
Lydia: Signing for "more" and being ignored.
Lydia: Grows impatient. Claps her hands, waves frantically.
Mom: Looks at baby
Lydia: Happy that she now has my attention, begins signing "more" (and saying "more" - new development!).
On one hand I am glad that Lydia has found ways to communicate with me that do not involve whining, grunting, screaming, or other annoying sounds.
On the other hand, I am not sure that I want my child clapping to get my attention. Just seems like snapping to get a waiter's attention.
Not sure what "better ways" Lydia has to get my attention at this point in her life BUT we are learning "thank you"!