Friday, December 28, 2012

Life from Lydia's Perspective...

She really loves the camera... Allot! We will spare the world from the hundreds she takes every day and just show the better ones.

Self Portrait with Dad (I think Dad may have helped allot!)

Had a series of pictures of the remote, Dad's wallet, and her very favorite thing Dad's badge for work (don't ask - we really don't understand the fascination!). 

The Counting Game (some people might call it Count Down to Christmas but in Lydia's world it is count for Mom and get CHOCOLATE!)

I deleted many of the weird pictures she had taken of people who did not know she was clicking but James was posing I hope! 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Projects

We were busy in the kitchen this week! 

Lydia went to a Happy Birthday Jesus Party and she got crayons in a cute little box. Favorite Christmas present I believe ;) 

We made Oreos! 

Peanut Butter Bon Bons - toddler helper style (i.e. we did not have time to roll balls and made bark!). 

Cleaning up from one of our baking sessions... 

Pound Out Your Frustrations Kiddo! 

Part of the Mess from one of our baking sessions! 

Making heath bar candy. 


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Enthusiasism

I thought that Lydia would enjoy Christmas but I also thought she would be a bit clueless like she has been the past two Christmases. I thought it would be our last ho-hum kinda of Christmas. BOY was I wrong! Lydia has been thrilled with anything and everything Christmas related. Lights, trees, crafts, activities, wrapping presents, telling everybody their Christmas secret (I have lost count how many times she has enthusiastically told James his Christmas present - she has been so enthusiastic though that he has not understood her!). I have my sincere doubts that she remembers anything from previous Christmases... 

I have captured some of her enthusiasm: 

Running through the house. Singing/screaming "merry Christmas".

"Please one picture of my pretty tree"

"A Christmas Card from Cousin INDIANA". Followed by a long conversation with Indiana's picture... (This was a no-nap/sick day - hence the grumpy look. She really was happy!)

And all this Christmas joy has left one of us a bit difficult and contrary some days... 

But then a new present arrives and we put a smile on our face! 

And hug Christmas Pooh from Grandpa Curt :) 

SO all this to say, James and I have thoroughly enjoyed our Christmas bundle of joy this year. (She has even turned James into not that big of a Grinch!). And James and I have also been counting down the days until the 26th when Lydia's life and routine begins to return!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Monday, December 24, 2012

Remote Control Car

 James has looked around our house and is a little disheartened by the sheer amount of PINK! His "man cave" has been consumed and taken over by a certain little girl who when asked will jump around and declare her favorite color to be PINK!

He decided that this year he needed to buy something special for Lydia for Christmas. A remote control car. I have to admit I was very skeptical how this gift would go over. But James gave the gift to Lydia on the 22nd (which I think may have helped his cause a bit!). Lydia is delighted with "my brand new car". And yes, every time she sees the car she calls it "my brand new car".

P.S. Have I mentioned Lydia's verbal skills are exploding??? She has finally discovered how to say complete and very complex sentences - that are 50% of the time clear and understandable. It is very fun to have a conversation with her!

Waiting for Dad to turn on the Christmas lights. Can't open a present without Christmas lights! 

Holding the battery for her present. 

A Gift FOR ME! Really??? (The thought that Lydia would get presents and not just give presents was a shocking discovery to her - thankfully not made until days before Christmas!)

This box needs some extra help being opened...

"This is my brand new steering wheel". Guess she had been looking for a steering wheel...

WOW! It moves! 

Lydia chased (yes, chased!) the car all over the house. 

James is thrilled that Lydia likes a boy toy! 

In typical Lydia fashion - her caterpillar needed a ride on the car...