Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Caterpillar Class, New Bike, Park

Carousel ride at the park (Lydia's happy place!) 

Playground (Isaac's happy place!)

And then we came home for a bike ride and Lydia's rear tire busted a hole. A big hole! 

Lydia's friend sent her mail (mail - we love mail!). 

A caterpillar class for Lydia. Super fun even in the rain! 

One day Isaac we will do these things with/for you. For now, you are the tag along brother... 


James and I have working on puzzles. Lots of puzzles (slightly weird but when the kids go to bed sooooo early!). So we worked for several weeks on this crazy abstract puzzle...

Isaac worked on our puzzle for just a few minutes. Atleast he is cute ;)