Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Snow Again

Snow again. Yes, again! The end of February no less. I guess it is true March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb ;) 

Anyway, it started snowing. I was completely unprepared and went out at 6am to get prepared (without kids and before James was going to leave to go to work). 

Lydia enjoyed real snow. I can honestly say that I don't remember having this much real snow without ice in NC. So a first for everything! 

Thank you winter for helping me to learn how to dress the toddler in warm clothes and to keep the clothes on his little body!

Snow Angel Lydia

Snow Bunnies

The smarter snow bunnies staying inside! 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

A Glimpse of 10 Minutes in Isaac's Brain...

Mom, the neighbors are outside...

 Oh, there is something shiny on the floor...

AND there is a bird!!!!!!!! I love birds. Tweet, tweet, tweet, woof, woof, woof, woof, dadadadadada. Is Dad home? Let me check on the Dad situation. 

And there are the neighbors. I love my neighbors. When I am going to be big and play outside alone. I can climb trees. 

Mom gave me a game a long time ago. Well, not that long ago. Mere minutes ago. I might like to do that again. 

Yes, yes, yes, I do like this game. Wonder if I can eat these. I am starving. I haven't eaten at all today. Really famished. I will eat the toy instead of the food my mom keeps giving me. 

Phone? Can I have the phone? I can take pictures. Actually mom won't give me the phone to take pictures. A remote.  I will be cute and go find a remote!!!!!! 

Lydia is in the room and going to play with this toy. I am going to go empty out a kitchen cabinet. Mom appreciates that. 

Meanwhile the toddler throws toys, empties cabinets, and quietly goes upstairs to play in the toilet. Again! 

And I wonder why I am tired at night ;) 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Weekend :)

A new toy (yes, after a week of being snowed in Mom and Dad needed some variety of options to offer!). 

Yes, a new toy distracts Lydia and Isaac went first thing to Lydia's favorite doll...

The best part about the weekend is getting some one on one time with the kids. Isaac and I enjoyed some fun time together (he enjoys being the only one!). 

He is getting pretty confident with tower building! 

The sun came out, the ice melted, the temperature hit 62 degrees and we were outside! 

Friday, February 20, 2015

Inside Antics

Watching the big kids playing outside. 

 But I think I will appreciate the warm house people!

SO MUCH PLAY DOH! The carpets may never be the same ;) 

Painting Isaac's letter A: 

I walked down the hall one morning and smelled something so stinky. I just felt bad for this sweet boy who was sleeping with that smell. So I went to change him. He could have cared less his diaper was dirty... 

Making an apple. Cuteness ;)