Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Well, Kids... Part III

We did stuff in July too!

Isaac continued to stalk our neighbor when he mows his grass...

Isaac, Lydia, and Mom went out for icecream one night! 

Still too much screen time so attempting to make it more educational screen time.... (Whatever, mommy guilt - this made me feel better!). 

We cuddled a baby allot...

Lydia mastered reading and reads all the time! 

We forgot it was 4th of July but remembered before bedtime and did sparklers! 

More pool trips... Adalynn sleeps better in the pool in a bathing suit to keep her cool.

We celebrated Pappaw's Birthday: 

We celebrated Dad's birthday too but forgot to take pictures apparently... 

Then there was that day when mom needed a mini break and slipped upstairs to feed Adalynn. Big kids followed though! 

Isaac earned a tow truck for putting his poop in the potty... 

We attempted to take a picture of all 3 kids...

Discovered taking a picture of the newborn is actually easier... 

The good news - July is almost over and we have survived! 

Monday, July 25, 2016

Well, Kids... II

Adalynn Marie
Born May 27th, 2016 at 8PM
9lbs and 9.5oz (the smallest Stojan Kiddo!)

Lydia is smitten: 

Isaac doesn't get it: 

After all the fun had ended this happened a little bit: 

Staring at the TV happened way more than mom and dad like... 

Isaac decided naps were truly for babies:

And maybe naps are for babies: 

Let's face it this does look like more fun than taking a nap:

So we spent our days at the pool: 

Lifeguards thought I was crazy when I joined James and the kids at the pool with a 5 day old (stir crazy maybe!). But let's face it, the pool this summer with a sleeping baby in the shade is way easier than next year with mobile children with three very different expectations of what a pool trip should look like! 

We took Adalynn to her first Chick-fil-A visit: 

It bored her to sleep apparently... 

We found time to celebrate: 

National Donut Day... 

Father's Day...

Lydia's Birthday... 

And we started school back (in June because it was hot and kids were bored!): 

Mom has a sense of humor Kiddo - get used to it! 

Isaac is so excited to be a big boy too! 

And there was a day when Isaac decided Adalynn was actually an ok person... 

If you look closely you can see an Adalynn foot. It has been a slow start of a loving relationship but they are getting there ;)