I have been told that when I was getting ready to be baptized (5 years old) that my dad asked if I would like him to baptize me. I am sure in his brain that any daughter would be honored to have her father baptize her. Apparently, I told my dad "no thank you I want a professional to baptize me". Who can argue with the five year old's logic - the pastor baptized me. Which looking back, I do not know the pastor who baptized me but I do still know my dad. But a five year old's logic - really can't argue with it.
Many years later, my own daughter has the same opinion on life when it comes to her dad doing things for her. "I NEED a professional to do this task". According to Lydia, only mom is capable of putting her in her high chair, giving her food, cleaning her face, giving her a bath, changing her diaper, getting her out of her crib in the morning, comforting her in the middle of the night, administering medicine, and on and on and on and on and on the list goes.
I watch her dad do these tasks and realize that he has so much more mercy than I do.
Mom's version of hair washing: (During this scenario Lydia is giggling, playing and having a wonderful time). I tell Lydia, "close your eyes I am washing your hair". I then figure that I have warned her dump a couple cups of water on her head, lather the shampoo, and rinse. Sometimes she closes her eyes and sometimes she is playing with toys, doesn't close her eyes, and gets shampoo in her eyes (but it is tear free shampoo, I warned her, she will - and has - learned!).
Dad's version of hair washing: (During this scenario Lydia is screaming, trying to get out of the tub, and just being very difficult). James very calmly tries to soothe the child. Gingerly pours water on her hair so not a single drop gets in her eyes. Plays games, sings songs, and tries to explain that it is OK. Lydia continues screaming while her head is massaged with shampoo so that EVERY curl gets equal attention. James once again carefully pours water on her hair once again not getting a drop in her eyes. Lydia continues screaming until either A. mom rescues her or B. she gets a snack.
We joke that she is like a collie puppy that needs to have all "it's people" in one room. Maybe she holds a grudge against her dad because he leaves her every day (granted he does leave her every day to earn money so she can continue to live the life she has become accustomed to but she is far too young to understand that concept!). Maybe she has divided tasks in her brain and only certain parents can do certain tasks (mom = food, bath, and naps while dad = PLAY). And maybe we have over analyzed this entire situation and it means nothing other than our little girl likes to taunt her dad.
One thing is true. I do not understand the brain of a one year old.