Saturday, March 31, 2012


Lydia is nearing the age of 2 and sometimes has her own brain. Which is a really good thing! But needless to say we have been working on learning to obey with that brain though ;)

Lydia has been earning stickers for obeying that go on her Easter Egg. Not every time she obeys but quite often she was given the opportunity to pick out a sticker for her egg.

Recently I asked her to go to the basement and clean up her toys (this is a very daunting task since we don't clean up down there every day!). And then the phone rang. Much to my surprise at the end of the phone call, Lydia had cleaned up allot of the toys in the basement. STICKER TIME!!!!!

Lydia has been having some challenges with her manners at the dinner table (really mom it is sooooooo fun to watch my food roll off the table and on to the floor. Oh, you actually wanted me to EAT my vegetables? I thought you wanted me to plunk them in my drink!). So we have been working on this. You bet the night that Lydia did not need many reminders and was quick to obey she got another sticker.

But anyway the VERY HAPPY little girl with her obedience egg (pardon the mess we had been finger painting and rolling in the grass with our friends!).

Friday, March 30, 2012

Pullen Park

"Black Friday experience for toddlers in the Raleigh area"

Lots of pushing on the slides. Long lines for the swings. And the amazing feeling of conquering when one's turn comes up for the slide, swing, or sand pit. But we really did have allot of fun and this is defiantly where all the cool kids go ;) 

The Carousel was Lydia's very favorite. At the end she declared (not so quietly!) "MORE". 

The train was also pretty neat. 

All in all, a fun day ;)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

My Little Summer/Fall/Spring Project is...


Well, almost. We decided to not procrastinate any longer and did the other side of the front flower bed. Sadly I have not taken any pictures of this but after one more trip to Lowes for rock - the front yard will finally be finished ;)
Despite the rain we (well, one of us) was determined to get this done. So a little bit of progress before the rain resumed. 

The finished result with a border ;) 

The parking pad ;) Looks better now that the  rain has stopped and we got them clean. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

21 Months


One Year Ago

This time last year we were beginning to see Lydia's personality. This year her personality is shining through. (She is peanut free this year and I think that helps her personality allot!).

Friday, March 23, 2012

Blackmail Pictures...

I don't remember exactly what was going on but Lydia and James were having a battle of the wills. I was just enjoying cleaning the kitchen and not having to deal with whatever the issue was.

Some where in the midst of the "battle" Lydia decided that she needed to be naked. After the drama was over, apologies and reprimands given, hugs dished out, James took the pictures. Just for later - a bit of proof of why he has a head full of grey hair ;)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My Little Summer/Fall/Winter/Spring Project!

Last summer I decided that I would tackle the front flower beds. All of the flower beds. I thought that this would be "my little summer project". Which then turned into my fall project - but little did I know that the little one would decide to pick up every little cold that came her way this fall and winter. And, all my hard work became weeds AGAIN!

But we were not completely lazy last summer and did get some things done to the yard - we made it our personal priority to take down the neighborhood makeout spot (seriously I just want to get the mail not be surprised!). James mowed down the "extra" flower beds - we really do not need flower beds by our driveway, front steps, and to trip over as we play bubbles ;)

FINALLY, ten months later, we have the weed barrier down!!!!!! Do you hear the sounds of our neighbors cheering??? The neighborhood dogs are looking for new places to leave their treasures right now. Lydia is dreaming of new flowers to smell. And James and I are dreaming of the next 10 years of a weed free rock garden (I sure hope that the weed barrier advertising is true!!!!!).

Next up, the last flower bed of the front yard. One day - next spring maybe ;)

Top: Lydia's soon to be parking pad for her ride on toys. Re-sale value = Negative. Usability = Positive (good thing we aren't moving soon). Thank goodness we don't have a homeowners association ;) 

Bottom: Foundation for the Rock Garden. We are really doing a rock garden. At this point with no flowers in the plans!!!!!!!!! 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Lydia has a new hat. A fancy Easter hat.

We have painted in our hat...

We woke up from our nap wearing our hat...

And we have even gone outside to watch the neighbors get a tree cut down wearing the hat AND a necklace. Knocked on the neighbors doors to do a little dance for them. Went cruising through the neighborhood on toy cars wearing the hat.

Notice the shoes - one sock off and one sock on...

Lydia has even insisted that her friends wear hats when they come to visit - whether they want to or not. We rejoice that she is sharing and we are working with Lydia on personal space - not everybody needs a hug and dress up clothes!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Salsa Dancing in a Tutu

"Calling all people - my show is starting"
Salsa dancing in a tutu...
The music is over but can I get off my stage???


Monday, March 12, 2012

What Happens at Grandma's House...

...Should really stay at grandma's house BUT

Things Lydia is never allowed to do at home, Lydia believes she can have anytime she wants at Grandma's house. Thus enters the pacifier. At home, it stays in bed. And apparently at Grandma's house Lydia believes she can smile sweetly, insert pacifier, and make a beeline away from mom and into Grandma's lap ;)

"Icing cupcakes"

She is convincing her Pappaw of something here... Who knows what!

In the words of Lydia "FUN" pretty much sums up Grandma's house. And I don't think Mom and Dad REALLY want to know what "FUN" entails ;)

Friday, March 9, 2012

A Day in the Life Of...

(Written by Lydia)


Dad was telling me recently that I have a really good life and that I should enjoy this time. I was thinking that was sooooooo silly of Dad but then I watched him and I just don't think Dad fully understands the sacrifices that I make for him every day.

So this is an ever so ordinary day in the life of me!

When the sun starts to rise, I roll over. When Dad starts his car in the morning, I roll over and consider getting up. But a girl needs her beauty sleep.

Once the sun has fully risen, I sing a little song, give a giggle, and Mom comes and rescues me from my bed. Mom helps me get dressed, comb my hair (Mom says I look like a wild child in the morning!), put away my pjs, and I put on my socks. SEE Dad, suffer for you - I put my own socks on my own feet. The injustice of it all.

It is then breakfast time. This particular morning we were out of eggs from the freezer and I had my choice of muffins and muffins. Mom told me to be thankful because it was grocery day. So I ate a muffin (but looked really hard in the freezer for eggs).

I even had to suffer through eating apple...

After breakfast, it is time to "get strong". I help Mom workout. We dance, spin, kick, and tickle our toes. I know our getting strong time is done when I spy the "silly bus" (Mom says one day the bad bus driver is going to get us a new car AND a new mailbox).

I have a very important task while Mom takes a shower. I must not give her any privacy. So I sit on the rug and watch, open the shower doors, and dance for her. She really enjoys this and it is a tough job - but somebody has to do it. 

After shower time, I have one thing on my brain "project". I must do a project. This day it was Play-doh AND laundry. I don't think Mom can put laundry in the dryer without my help. Once again a tough job but I am up to the task Dad. 

We needed to go grocery shopping this day too. Before we leave the house, I am "NEWSPAPER GIRL". Once again somebody has to pick the paper up and it might as well be me :) 

This is me as I prepare to hurl the newspaper down the hill and into the trash. Why do we get the paper Dad???

After I did all the grocery shopping, bringing in the groceries (Mom said I was on "hearty vegetable patrol"  - this means I brought the broccoli and carrots inside), putting the groceries away, and fixing lunch I was very tired. So tired infact that I had to have a little rest before I could eat my picnic lunch. 

Do you want dip too???

But I rested quickly and was able to eat my lunch. Better food for lunch so less of a chore for my tired and overworked self. 

After my picnic and playing outside, I needed a nap. My photographer said that nap is such an important part of my job that she would not disturb me. But I close my eyes and rest for just a little while. I know it is time to wake up because my Peeps start calling AND the "silly bus" comes back. 

Even though my peeps are desperately wanting to see me, I must take a moment to wake up before I can go visit. So I read books, drink my ice water, and get cute for my peeps. My peeps understand and always wait for me. If I didn't go visiting Dad, who would??? 

After I am good and awake, I venture outside to go visiting. I chat with my friends next door, across the street, wave at the children as they come home, go see the kitties. AND on this very special day I got to play Play-doh AGAIN!!!!!!!!!

And Dad, this is where you come home. And you see all that I do to make your evening GREAT. Nobody else in the house tackles you like I do. Nobody else takes the time to trade vegetables for croutons with you.  Nobody else sticks their finger in your nose like I do. 

It's all in a day's worth of work Dad. I hope you now understand that I really do allot of work during the days because I love you too ;) 

Thursday, March 8, 2012


I know that when I drive I talk to the other drivers. Who else is going to tell them that they are in my lane? I don't yell. It really is just an ongoing conversation that I have with all the other cars and drivers.

For example: "Dude, choose one lane". "Are you sure that is where you really want to go (said in a most sarcastic voice!)?" "Dude, you bought a vehicle that you can not drive". "Oh, I thought that when cars were parked they were supposed to be in just one parking space." "Are you really THAT special?"

And on and on the conversations go.

As Lydia has started talking more, I have realized that apparently I talk to the other cars ALLOT! Thankfully, I do not yell at the other cars/drivers. I am very very very sarcastic with the other drivers. And I also do not use "bad words" so...

Today coming from the back seat, Lydia is buckled in her little car seat, talking to her babies, and her finger is pointing.

  • Dude 
  • Bad car
  • You STOP
  • SIT
  • Stay
  • You GO
And apparently I say "dude" allot! 

Possibly I need to quit talking to the other cars and drivers. Or maybe I will continue and just pass this trait down to my daughter... 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

This is TOTALLY Lydia

Cute picture uh? Really looks like a super happy toddler. Cute painted finger nails. Twinkle in the eyes. Clean shirt. Looks like the toddler is even clean. Even looks like behind the cute little hands she is smiling uh?

The truth: Lydia was having a fit. Why? Because it was nearing the bewitching hour of 8 PM - bed time! She was only wearing a shirt having gotten dinner on her pants and in the midst of having a fit she took off her diaper (seriously why???). James was studying and thus the little girl had not gotten enough Dad time. The weather was chilly and windy so she did not get much outside time. And I had tried my best to make the evening special and fun (and try to keep our brains off the fact that we were not playing chase with Dad tonight). We had painted finger nails and toes. We had made brownies. We had even played in the water in the sink!

I grabbed the camera to take a picture of this dramatic fit (waist up version of this fit!). In the joy of seeing the camera coming out Lydia could not help but giggle and grin BUT she was trying hard to get a brownie and was very upset. So she covered her giggle with her hands...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

New Words

After Lydia's ear infection we noticed that she quit talking. We reverted back to "mama" "dada" and "bye". I was getting a bit concerned and then this week she took off again and is talking non-stop.

Some of her new favorite words:

Ice water (she strongly believes that there is something very wrong with her drink if it doesn't clink...)

Black Beans (weird like in my opinion but she loves them...)
Hot dog (I know they are not a great food BUT she likes them, they are quick, and moving on!)

Yuck (referring to when her dad did not shave - just a little coaching from her mother :) )
Friend (usually in conjunction with "phone" and a irritated face when a friend does not magically appear on her doorstep after this demand)
Thank you - she has been signing please and thank you but finally decided that she can say thank you too
Privacy - referring to giving mom space when she is in the bathroom :)

And right now she is dreaming up new words to tell us all...