Monday, April 30, 2012

Thank You Amazon

For a rainy afternoon of play! 

Lydia meet the box. This box will equal hours of happy times for you on this rainy cold day! 

I think the box will be a stage!

And a Row Boat!

 All Done!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Last Burst of Energy Before Bed

Some things never change. And Lydia's energy level before bed is through the roof! Not sure if she is getting tired and must be active in order to stay awake or the delight at getting to play with Dad. But something occurs and we have a very happy, giggly, full of energy little girl (and DAD!) running through the house. 

Ball, couch, Dad, and a desire to climb the ball. Recipe for disaster or allot of fun ;) 

Who will get the ball first???

Catching their breath


The great part about this game - after a before bed ball session with Dad we do not hear a single peep out of this little girl all night! 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Happy 22 Months

Hard to believe that in just a couple weeks, we will have a two year old. Cliche but time really is flying...

Last year we had a Baby...

Trying Hard to Walk

And getting stuck when crawling... 

First cupcake

First Finger Painting

And look she sat in one place last year!

And this year we have a toddler... Cupcakes are a favorite word. Finger painting happens often. And staying in one place, well let's just say that never happens but Lydia is allot of fun as she runs, jumps, dances, and wiggles around the house!

This year she is happily learning to swing. Working hard on this skill and my guess by the end of the summer she will be swinging alone... 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Strawberry Picking

Quite proud of her collection of berries! 

Maybe she is made for harvesting work...

Lydia and her friend. So excited to be together AND to have berry buckets ;)

After we had all the fun we could have picking berries, the girls needed to RUN. At the playground, we found a mini farm. 


"Friend - you won't believe what my Dad says he did with his pet goats..."

"What trouble do you think we can cause with the goats?"

Horse tire swing


BIG BIG BIG cows! 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Type A Personality

Ever wondered when a person became "type A"? Did it start before birth? At a certain age? A learned trait?

I have noticed lately that Lydia is becoming more and more "type A". (I wouldn't know where she learned this!). I asked her to go clean up her play food this weekend. About five minutes later she came upstairs and said "done". I was skeptical because Lydia cleaning up her play food is usually a good solid 20 minutes so I went to check on the progress.

Not only had she cleaned up the play food but all the toys in the basement. And organized them... Notice the  toys are even in a straight line.

Sorry James! You get to live with TWO neat freaks in the house ;) Seriously I should post a picture of James office but I am embarrassed!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day with Grandma

Breakfast time! 

New Clothes for Baby Grace

Happiness is found in having lots of babies to love on! 

Lydia enjoyed spending Easter Monday being spoiled by Grandma (and I believe Grandma thoroughly enjoyed playing with Lydia for an ENTIRE day!).

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Picture Day

Off to Picture Day wearing mis-matched PJ's and glittery tennis shoes

Lydia got overwhelmed with her photo shoot and needed a break... 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Doll Clothes

After spending many days changing the doll's clothes (over and over and over!). I needed a break and Lydia was only getting started. Doll clothes are SO exciting to this "fashionista" in the making.

DeAnna: Lydia two more minutes and then mom is going to go unload the dishwasher.
Lydia: nods her head as we continue to take the doll clothes off and help put the clothes back on
DeAnna: ok, Lydia I am going to go unload the dishwasher.

Moments later Lydia comes into the kitchen with her naked baby and a handful of clothes.
Lydia: Help please (atleast we are polite!)
DeAnna: I am taking a break but the baby can play naked for a few minutes.
Lydia: too cold
DeAnna: It is hot today - the baby will be fine.

Lydia walks back to the living room, pouting. (Insert feeling like a terrible mom BUT the dishwasher is almost unloaded!). Silence from the living room. This is scary so I peek into the living room to see a naked toddler.

DeAnna: Why are you naked?
Lydia: hot today

How can I argue with that logic???


Dying Easter Eggs

One of us thought we should read the instructions...

Can we say glitter!!!!!

The plan was to dye 6 eggs. Only 4 got wounds. 

Chocolate in the EGGS!!!!!!!!


Need a degree in play-doh though to figure this toy out...

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Shaving Cream Paint

"Really Mom, I can paint with this?"

"Ok I can do this..."

"Wow! This looks like fun."

"Speak to the hand because this little girl is busy!"

The drying project

The finished project - somebody was busy watching her friends climb the tree...