Thursday, June 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Lydia!

Last Year:

Almost Mobile...

This Year:

Big pools are so much fun (we won't show the pitiful pictures of Lydia trying to play in her baby pool from last year!)

The birthday girl had a weekend of parties with friends and with family. Sadly I forgot to take pictures but thankfully other people were on the ball and took pictures! 

Aunt Holly Sent Lydia some beach toys (yes I know this isn't the beach!)
Grandma and Pappaw brought Lydia a new baby doll. 

Cupcakes with Friends...

After a nice nap, a few of Lydia's cousins and family members came over for Party Round Two:

Butterfly (aka: "fly") Cake
Dad showing Lydia how to blow out the candles before the wax dripped all over the cake... 
AND if that was not enough celebrations, James got to hang out with Lydia and I on her actual birthday. We spent the day playing in the pool, playing in the basement, visiting with the neighbors, lunch at Chick-fil-A, play-doh, coloring, and a very quiet special day at home with the birthday girl (which in this little girl's world quality time is the best gift ever!).

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Journal of Potty Training

This blog is really used so that out of town family members can see what is going on in our house. AND I am terrible about filling out the baby book. One day I will dust off the cover of the baby book and try to remember her milestones. Or better yet, just print the blog and make a memory book! 

Anyway, all that to say I hesitate to publish this entry but I wanted to remember (and family members out of state want to know!) how potty training went. Lydia really was very simple and easy and every kid is different. So friends please read this is a comical journey and I will pray and cheer for you during your potty training adventure! 

Day One:
SO we have a very excited but teething toddler. James and I have debated on the intelligence of tackling this adventure TODAY but Lydia is so very excited. But also getting new molars, recovering from a week with lots of extra attention and never hearing the word no, and in the excitement of her new bed I am not positive that she is sleeping the greatest yet. (Or she is just really tender from the teeth and vacation!)

Strike while the iron is hot is our thought process. And Lydia is excited to get to be naked, eat marshmallows, and play with mom. So we are giving it a gentle and sensitive try today! Wish us luck ;)

Coloring the Potty Chart

Pretty much sums up our day - sitting on the potty and reading books! 

P.S. James decided that he needed to make a down payment on giving Lydia icecream and really wanted to take her out for a treat tonight. We compromised and she had a treat at home. Lydia's new favorite word "down payment please".

Day Two:
The good news - the only bribery needed was to glue a pom pom onto a piece of construction paper (ofcourse when somebody gets 12 pom poms on this special piece of paper then she gets an ice cream cone!). We will save the better bribes for something different.

Two accidents yesterday. Seven successes (even got her poops in the potty!). I think that is fantastic! After a day of chasing a half naked toddler, cleaning up bodily fluids, and being home all day I needed a break. A shower seemed like the perfect thing. James took over potty training for 20 minutes and got to clean up pee from a little potty, serve brownies, assist in gluing a pom pom to the construction paper, and was so thrilled to hear the water turn off in the shower!

So far the morning of day two went ok. After being home all day yesterday, we wanted outside. Lydia had just done her thing on the potty. We slipped on some new undies and shoes and walked to top of the driveway to get the newspaper. Thought we would be golden for this little adventure. Wearing her new undies she had a mini accident outside. And then inside she had another mini accident. Moral of the story: I guess the toddler is just going to remain inside, naked, and doing her thing on the little potty in the middle of the living room for a little longer ;) I know better but it is a work in progress!

Day Three:
Can we say stir crazy??? Yesterday Lydia and I were both ready to break out of the house. I lost track how many accidents we had outside (but atleast they were all outside and in the rain!). Last night we went out for milkshakes and sundaes because well, sometimes you just NEED chocolate!

We did at the very end of day two succeed in getting all our pom poms glued onto our chart. SO YES WE ARE HAVING ICECREAM CONES TONIGHT!

I am happy to report for day three that Lydia woke up with a mostly dry diaper (which has been her normal for awhile now). Went potty right away and was so proud of herself. After baking birthday cupcakes, we went to Target to buy those icecream cones (and pick out big girl panties!). Lydia was so very proud that she was dry and out of the house - she showed everybody her dry panties. Every poor soul in Target was really proud of her - genuinely excited even (praise the Lord that people were kind to my not so modest child!). We talked on the way home and Lydia just told the neighbors that she was dry rather than showing them. Small steps of victory!

Fingers crossed that we can remain dry the rest of the day ;)

Opening her big girl underwear! 

James and I got off easy with this purchase - no expensive Disney characters just  bright colors for us!

Day Four: 

Which is also birthday party day. Cupcake play date with friends in the morning. The local cousins and family party in the evening. Trip to the park. To only have one accident and all that chaos is amazing in my opinion! Dry for nap time. 

Day Five: 

Father's Day. Lydia stayed dry at church, grocery store on the way home, playing outside, told us she had to go potty, AND then saw one neighbor that needed a quick hug. Didn't stay dry for the last hug but she did stay dry for a long time and tried the little people potty at church. We consider that a great day ;) Dry at nap time again!!!!!

Day Six: 

Mom teaches on Mondays and Lydia goes to daycare. I was not expecting success at the babysitters for the newly potty trained little girl but she stayed dry. Whoohooo!!!!!!!! AND dry at nap and night time. Can we hear a cheer???

Day Seven: 

I thought James and I were going to be getting a raise when we potty trained Lydia. No more diapers in the budget. Which is true. But we have spent $20 - $30/month on diapers and wipes since she was a brand new baby (hurray for sales and coupons!). I believe that we will be allocating that $20 - $30 to toilet paper and water for the foreseeable future though.... Can I get coupons for the water bill??? Sale prices??? 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Mind of a Toddler

Mom: Today is your last day being one. What do you want to do?
Lydia: Oh!!!!! We shall see.
Followed by a dance and then a fit when the dance made somebody fall into the wall. Think we will settle for the park!

Lydia: While sitting on the potty: "Bye bye pee pee. Bye bye poop. MOM where poop?" Oh, dear child. I would love to know where your poop is. I think we will find it at the most un-opportune time possible though :(

Friday, June 15, 2012

Magical Land of Kentucky

Or if you are Lydia the magical land of "Tucky".

We all had fun on our journey. I was terrible about taking pictures but thankfully Grandma was on the job!

Day One:

(Lydia thanks all her friends who kindly sent her car toys, movies, and tvs! They were all a lifesaver!!!!!!)

 Took Lydia a little bit to warm up to everybody BUT not Aunt V. She and Aunt V had a bond from the first instant (I thought maybe it had something to do with the adorable puppy that would put up with anything but after we returned home Aunt V is talked about allot and the puppy has been forgotten).

Day Two:

We won't even mention all the food that Lydia got to eat!
A PARK!!!!!!!

Checking out the Car Dealerships in Lexington

Checking out the toys at the car dealerships in Lexington...

Day Three: (Did I mention that I was terrible about taking pictures???)

Looking for a dog I am sure! 

Storytime and lunch were the agenda for the day!

Day Four: 

Early Morning Drive

Mid Morning Breakfast

Cookies to Celebrate we are HOME!!!!!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Right Handed???

Nope left handed! Wait right handed. Yes, yes, yes right handed. Nope back to the left hand.

This has been our thoughts for the past couple weeks with Lydia and eating. And then I realized what the little stinker is doing.

Lydia can use a fork and sometimes in her hunger she reverts back to her animal behavior and shovels her food in her mouth just as quickly as she can. And when this happens James or I will remind her to use her fork. And she obeys just picks the fork up with her left hand, proceeds to eat a bit with left handed fork, gets praised, smiles sweetly, and waits for mom and dad to continue eating their own food. THEN she continues shoveling with her right hand!

Oh, dear Lydia - you are learning to be sneaky!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Big Girl Bed

During vacation Lydia got to sleep in a big girl bed alone. After this event she was not too happy about the thought of sleeping in her "baby bed". So at the old age of 2, Lydia declared herself a big girl and is thrilled about sleeping in her very own bed. 

James and I went back and forth and back and forth on toddler bed, mattress on the floor, twin bed with rail, twin bed without rails. I think we found the perfect combination of all our options. A twin bed with a small frame. The bed is maybe 2 feet off the floor. The rails are sitting in a box in her bedroom. So far she has only fallen off the bed once - no tears just climbed back in the bed rather embarrassed like :( Thinking the bed rails are going to go back to the store! 

Anyway, this little girl is quite tickled with herself. She loves to go upstairs to play on her bed. All of her babies now go upstairs to sleep through out the day. And most of all, Lydia will tell anybody who will listen that she is a big girl with a big girl bed (and shame on the people who tell her she isn't a big girl!). 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Journey to a Big Girl Bed I

We told Lydia this weekend that she gets to move into a big girl bed.  She then helped pick out the new sheets and comforter for her bed (no toddler really cares about the mattress OR bed frame!). James and Lydia picked out some really brightly colored sheets and comforter from the teen section. Mom and Lydia picked out some still brightly colored a bit more "little girl" polka dots sheets and comforter from the kid section. 

Rearranging her bedroom to make room for her new bed!

"Bye bye changing table. You have been good to me."

We then talked about where her new bed is going to be. Lydia is very excited with this idea. She says that she will sleep well in her space.

Pretending to sleep on her new big girl bed. 

Lydia then informed me that she jumps on big girl beds and insisted on practicing.... She looks broken hearted because I told her she can jump now but big girls sleep in their bed (yes, I know she will jump but...)

Back to practicing sleeping ;)
Stay tuned!