Sunday, October 28, 2012

Presidential Election

I have really been torn on who to vote for. There are a few aspects of each candidate that I like (there are also allot of aspects of each candidate that I don't like!). I have considered not voting for a presidential candidate. I have considered voting but "throwing away my vote" and voting for some random person. I have even thought about voting for two people and have to make a choice I was thinking about what I would look for in a Presidential candidate.

I am considering voting for Minnie Mouse - she is cute. Can't do much worse. Don't think she really talks so she won't lie. She is small as is her family - so they won't cost the tax payers too much money paying for their living expenses, food, travel, etc... But then I got to thinking about it and doesn't seem like Mickey and Minnie Mouse have allot of morals.

Maybe the Wonder Pets would be a better solution. TEAM WORK! Our nation defiantly needs to learn to work together. But those whiny voices. Oh, and then the Wonder Pets are continually flying around the world. We defiantly need a candidate that can be frugal ;)

Doc McStuffins she is frugal. I have never seen her fixes cost money. She is like a genie and the necessary supplies are always discovered some where in her play house. She has genuine care and interest in the people around her. Let's face it as a nation we need to have more interest in the people around us AND have a way to frugally help them. Perfect candidate.

Later today though I was reading yet another Caillou book. Caillou makes allot of mistakes - climbing off chairs and then falling off, running into pretty flower pots and the pots breaking, making too much noise and waking up his sister, etc... Caillou never initially admits wrong doing but by the end of the book (or 15 minute show!) he always sees the error of his ways and fixes his wrong. He listens to those in authority and then obeys. Hmmmm, yet another great characteristic for a potential President.

What if we had a President like Winnie the Pooh? All major problems can be solved with honey. Maybe passing a honey pot around will help get everything solved. Can the budget be balanced over honey?

Bob the Builder maybe? We can do it. That attitude might help our nation along...

I am still undecided as to which canidate I will vote for (obviously!) but I might just throw my vote away and vote for Doc McStuffins!

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