Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Visiting James Family and MN

Lots of fun was had by all. But for the Reader's Digest version of the week! 

We went to the Children's Museum one day. Lydia had a great time (and we only were on one floor of the museum!). 

Face Painting - pretty much sums up Lydia's personality in one picture!

One of the rooms had a stage, guitar, and tv screens to make a movie. Our little Hippie Rock Star spent a LOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGGGG time dancing on the stage and playing the guitar.

She made a head band in one of the rooms and had also done face painting. She looked like something else! 

After the museum and lunch, Lydia fell asleep in the car on the way back to Uncle Jon's house. And then refused a nap. So after a not so quiet rest time, she played with cousins AND then went to a rehearsal for being a flower girl. Needless to say, Lydia fell asleep. And was sleeping very very soundly! 

To prove to us, that she was not adjusting at all to the Central Time Zone she fell asleep at 5:30 CST which would have been 6:30 at home and exactly when she goes to bed without a nap at home. We thought that was funny that the little girl is in that much of a routine! 

We found many many many really cool parks. Lydia thoroughly enjoyed the more challenging park features (that are probably not accessible for children with disabilities and/or "safe"). James and I have come to the conclusion that parks in Raleigh are just toooo safe! 

Wedding Day! 

Waiting for a Flower Girl Dress with Cousin Indiana

The Stojan Cousins and Uncle Robert

Waiting to be a Flower Girl! 

We spotted James! 
What happens when a little girl is taken out of her routine, becomes a bit sleep deprived, and whose little body never adjusted to CST (i.e. food and sleep were "late")? We had many fits of frusteration :( And yes, we are the weird parents who take pictures of our child having a temper tantrum (there were many and I just took one picture so not that mean right?).

Playing games with Cousins! 
Exhausted and finally slept! 
Lydia was exceptional on all the flights! As we were getting ready to board the very last plane to come home, she was starting to get antsy (and had been awake since 4:30 AM!). We all got a chocolate treat at 8:15 in the morning - haha! Lydia thought it was pretty cool to eat chocolate in the morning in her PJs ;) She has a sheltered life I think.

The best .25cents we spent. A box of band-aids. Lydia worked very very hard on our last flight putting all the band-aids in her coloring book. 1 hour and 45 minutes of fun!

We got back in James car and she fell asleep in minutes!

Lydia's first flight. She was SO excited! And despite having things to do she pretty much sat right like that for the first 3 of the 4 flights ;) 

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