Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Snapshot of Our Week

Ofcourse anywhere Lydia is, there will be crafting going on! 

"I will do it myself"!

We made a square picture frame but decided gluing buttons would be way more fun than just drawing a picture! 

Lydia likes to make faces and email her pictures to her Dad. I am not 100% sure that her Dad ever reads his personal email but one day he will see these emails and laugh ;) 

TRIO Blocks! Super cool! 

"Yes, Mom I can sleep flat on my back". AND we have so many pictures of Lydia in this same position - swaddled with pacifier in mouth laying on the same blanket in the floor. 

The day the Trio blocks came, James worked late, and Lydia went to bed early. I found James and Isaac playing with the blocks. (Isaac was soooooooo impressed ;) ). 

Working on our handwriting skills. But in Lydia's world she "is doing her important work from home". 

"Light bulbs! Peeps these are the greatest inventions ever". Good thing Isaac was born shortly before the time change - he would have been devastated to not have so many hours every evening to stare at the light bulbs. I think he should be easy to entertain over Christmas. 

Some kids read books. Lydia reads the Kindle... Geek in the making! 

Blowout diaper + Eating = Happy Naked Milk Coma

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Rescue Me People!

Isaac apparently has a flair for the dramatic too ;) 

Hello World, I need to be rescued. You would not believe the things my crazy family does to me. They make me wait for food occasionally. I am trying to get a quadruple chin and I am having a hard time achieving this goal when I can not eat 24-7.

They make me wear hats when I go outside. The audacity!

Some times they forget where they put me. They think I don't know this but I do! I wake up from a nap and I hear my mom telling Lydia that I am in the basement but really I am tucked into my room. They all tromp down the five steps to the basement only to then run up the steps because I am in my room. Can you tell my mom to write a note on her hand or something??? I can not wait that extra 30 seconds for them to get to me!

And then the play food and tea parties. These people eat plastic food cooked in a tiny pink kitchen. People, I know you all know this because you keep bringing my family real food. Next year, I will need you to bring me real food because this plastic stuff doesn't even smell good!

My sister thinks she is a puppy dog, butterfly, princess, doctor, and other assorted things. Sister, you are a little girl! I don't know why you spend your days trying to escape from reality...

OH, and my sister the doctor. She gives me shots in the heart. I thought that the real doctor was bad but shots in the heart. REALLY???? Atleast she is gentle. And my mom tells her that she can't play doctor with me without mom or dad sitting right there. So I guess they are kinda watching out for me.

Oh, you don't believe me? I have proof! In my moments of distress, these people take pictures of me!

The fashion shows...

I know I am little but really must I be dressed up like this???

SAVE ME! I like to eat and these people seem content with food that doesn't even exist. 
I thought if I slept this charade would end. BUT nope the game must go on. 
In conclusion world, I think I need to be rescued. Or at the least a vacation so I can have my sanity back. My family is just weird!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Another Week

Let's sum this week up with several doctor's visits and stomach flu for 2 children. Thankfully James and I stayed healthy and well. And we all survived. Lydia who has been the no-nap queen for about a month now decided to resume napping on a regular basis (but needs to be in bed and asleep no later than noon!). We ALL appreciate our evenings with a very sweet well rested little girl. A little sleep goes a long way ;) Between the laundry, puzzles, projects, and our non-stop days I did not really take many pictures but there a few... 

The little man has been refusing to sleep flat on his back and then one day he fell asleep on his back. The game is up dude! 

Lydia painting. With ALL the colors! 

Triangles and Rectangles

Look Isaac's first (and so far only) sleep in his crib. Some babies actually do sleep in the crib little man. So far he much prefers to sleep in a non-moving swing - yes, non moving is important. A moving carseat. Or a vibrating bouncy seat. Oh, and his very favorite cuddled in mom's arms. Mom's arms - not somebody else's! 

Lydia's first time tormenting her brother. He rarely cries but he was not in the mood for Lydia's attention at this point in time :( SO she made the most of it. 

Tackle DAD! Lydia truly is a Daddy's girl. 

"Well, mom. The sun is up, Lydia is awake, and I think I will finally sleep now", said the 2 week old after keeping Mom up most of the night! 

You keep me up all night and I get to dress you up like a pumpkin! Blackmail picture Little Man ;) 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Life this Week

Projects, projects, projects. Lydia's projects have taken on a very high priority to her! Isaac lays down for a nap and she goes running to the table for "project time with Mom". 

My new reality: A little claustrophobic to the caretaker of the zoo when I look in the back seat. I think I just need to start getting pull through parking spots and then I never have to look in the back seat ;) 

Lydia loves Isaac. And sometimes Isaac loves Lydia. 


Isaac learning to like a paci! 

Some people take pictures of babies first bath. Little Isaac finally got his classic bath picture taken on bath number 3. Bath number 3 is memorable too right??? 

Look we even got time to take TWO pictures! Success right?