Monday, July 14, 2014

Our Week!

Last week Lydia was in VBS (which she loved!!!!). Isaac enjoyed being an only child for 2ish hours every day - which he lived it up and was totally unable to nap independently. Whatever - he got rocked and loved every single minute! 

Lydia ready to go to VBS one morning. 

Lydia sold her great big huge kitchen that took up the entire basement (not really - seemed like it though!). She got her new one and I spent way too many hours assembling this silly kitchen with a million pieces! 

Cow Appreciation Day! These little cows were quite happy to move on to greener pastures (i.e. CHICK-FIL-A for breakfast!). 

Isaac kept his spots on his back in cow storage! 

Lydia and her friend enjoyed their breakfast but really were just there for the cow! 

Happy Birthday James! 

Sometimes some outfits just need a picture to be remembered by... 

Yep, she is ALL that and more! 

Farmer Lydia was invited to a neighbors house to pick some produce and then I let her do her own veggie cutting. 

Isaac's 9 month check up at the doctor. He and the paper had a battle. It was a close score but Isaac defeated the paper by 3 points ;) 

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