Sorry Lydia. You do things like this and we just need to document them to remember them...
Lydia's nap time request was granted for 4 kisses on her cheeks. Not 3 and not 5 but 4 kisses on her cheeks. Request granted. Hugs given. Sweetly covered up. Blinds closed. Room and child ready for sweet slumber. And I close the door the dramatic tears begin "No mommy I only wanted 3 kisses on my cheeks and I don't know what to do with kiss 4".
Mom silently groans and quick on her feet says "Oh, I will steal kiss number 4". Leans down and takes away kiss number 4. Problem solved right?
Oh, no! Your tired little body could not compute that I had taken away this kiss. Realizing that you could not be reasoned with in this tired state of mind I told you to go to sleep and close the door.
45 minutes later (which mind you you threw your toys, stomped around your room, and had a complete fit over this 4 kiss issue) you were still going strong and definatly not anywhere near sleeping. I went into your room and you could not even remember why you were upset. (Can we say tired???). I laid you back down, covered you up, even took a chance and kissed your cheek, and you were happily sleeping before I was back down the steps.