Wednesday, December 4, 2013


How do you define love??? When a certain 3 year old with a brand new brother has been asking to go to Marbles for weeks and weeks and Mom bundles the newborn up and takes them both to Marbles alone. That is love! 

I was a little hesitant about taking both solo but we can't stay home 24-7 either. SO I did it. And my conclusion, we can totally do Marbles again. I thought that I had timed our event so Isaac would sleep and he was just toooo excited (and newborns are known for not being predictable about what they will do next!). The colors, noise, an excited sister the 4 week old stayed awake for the majority of the visit. I was shocked! 

Lydia loved the new exhibit and spent most of her time sitting in a helicopter pretending to be a newscaster. Or maybe the director - she likes to be the one in charge! 

Helicopter AND puppy

Yes, Lydia dressed herself. Yes, she is wearing a Christmas shirt and ballerina dress with cowboy boots. Quite the statement ;) 

Eventually the overly tired newborn gave in and slept (but not without a fight!). 

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