Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Calming Down a Baby Brother

I had to get gas in the car. Normally an errand I wait to do until I don't have kids in the car but this week that did not happen so I took them. (Have I mentioned Isaac doesn't cry often but when he does he gets MAD and holds his breath? Kinda creepy to watch the baby turn blue and not allot that can be done about this. Thankfully he really doesn't cry that often.). I stopped the car and hoped Isaac had not fallen asleep but he had. I cringed inwardly but we really needed gas. So I went as quickly as I could to get the process started planning on rocking his car seat as soon as the gas was flowing into the car.

I swipe my credit card only to see the crying starting. I wait for the ever so slow credit card machine to authorize my card, ask if I want a car wash (baby is getting super mad), ask for my zip code (and there goes Isaac turning blue!), and then the car starts bouncing. I turn to knock on the window and tell Lydia to stop - really the last thing I need is the 3 year old going nuts in the car but that is when I notice Lydia is singing and "bouncing" her brother AND her brother is still irritated but not screaming and is getting color back to his face.

Lydia was very proud of herself for "helping Isaac keep his face pink" and I was very grateful for her help! Hopefully Isaac will soon learn to breathe and cry at the same time (I never would have thought I would be looking forward to that developmental milestone).

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Happy Two Months Isaac!

Since I don't get the baby book updated very often Isaac's 2nd month stats. (Sorry Isaac, you are the second child. You have already experienced many things your sister did not experience until she was much older! You all are different people and having different experiences and I don't feel guilty about this! So enjoy being taken to parks and children's museums and you can just read the blog to learn about your infant days and I will make an effort to fill out the pretty book for you. No promises though!).

Isaac has used his short time here to grow ALLOT. He is 13lbs and 14ounces. 25 inches long. He has already outgrown size one diapers (which is a shame because I got a sweet deal on size one diapers and couldn't just exchange for a bigger size!). Isaac has outgrown most 3 month size clothes - some still sorta fit but not really!

We have a smiling giggly boy who has learned how to get attention quick in this house. LAUGH! From time to time we hear Isaac laughing and everybody runs over to chat with him. His eyes light up and he is thrilled to have the attention. Isaac thinks bath time is the greatest invention EVER. He splashes and splashes and splashes. Very peaceful about bath time and lets Lydia wash him (he really just thinks she is the coolest person in the house).

We have decided Isaac may become the family comedian but we will have to see.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

Sibling Love! 

"I don't get what all the fuss is about Christmas."

 Early Christmas Presents!

Probably a discussion about German Tree Gods... 

Monday, December 23, 2013

Lydia's Week

Lydia and I went to the Dollar Store last week and bought random items to make "sensory boxes". Lydia played with these very special boxes ALL week long. Over and over and over. Every time I looked up she was back in the kitchen getting out a her goodies. Measuring. Pouring. Scooping. Sorting. Counting. Making patterns. The world was her oyster and she loved this fun! 

A spontaneous rendition of ABC's led to needing her ABC's written on the mirror which led to needing a microphone which ended with "Story time teacher Lydia" leading the class in music. Ever read "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie"? Welcome to my world! 

Making play-doh. Sweet idea. And then Dad walked in the door and Lydia wanted to play with Dad and when we came back to Play-doh creation it was a bust. So ummmm, good idea DeAnna! 


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Isaac's Week

Why buy toys when one could just put up a Christmas tree??? And yes, he spends allot of happy hours laying under, near, admiring from afar, etc... the tree! Best toy EVER! 

Decided to play tag with Dad (he actually decided this week Dad is a pretty cool person and puckers up his lip when James walks in the room and doesn't chat with him). 


Big guy sleeps! 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Lydia's Projects

Lydia decided to get us in the Christmas spirit last week. 

Rudolph hats and a photo shoot! 

Mary and Joseph 2013 style includes a bus and playground FYI :) 

"I can eat string cheese". 

Special date with mom 


Playing with Rocks! 

Terrible about taking pictures right now. Lydia had an obsession with her name last week, making picture frames, playing Hullabaloo, stamping, and I am sure there was more. She is a busy gal! 

Monday, December 16, 2013

Isaac and Lydia

I am not sure Lydia realizes it or not (I think she would use this to her advantage if she knew it) but Isaac adores her! She starts talking and he quits whatever he was doing! I overheard Lydia telling Isaac all about her adventures from the night before and I peeked on them to make sure she wasn't in his face. Lydia was being super sweet and Isaac was watching her so intently. It was cute! 

"Oh, sister! I don't know what I am going to do with you!"

"Mom, I think this girl is pretty cool".

"hahahahahaha" says Isaac

"This is MY snowman. Not for babies." says Lydia

Isaac is quickly discovering Lydia's love of A. holding him and B. posing for pictures.

"Please no kisses Lydia", says Isaac.