Thursday, May 31, 2012

Learning Left vs. Right

Lydia loves to dress herself now (I am paying my dues now hoping that in the very near future I can tell her to go get dressed - maybe then I could get dressed alone!!!!).

She has regressed in putting on socks - we won't go there though! But sandals she can master. And oh my let me tell you it is SO nice to tell her "go put on your sandals". 20 minutes later she reappears with sandals on (we will work on speed and not getting distracted later for now 20 minutes of Lydia being happily occupied is OK!).

She was having trouble with left and right and being a bit independent she was broken hearted when somebody changed the shoes to the correct feet for her. Which as I was thinking about it if I had worked so hard to do something and then was told I did it wrong. I too would be disappointed and frustrated. And then I remembered teaching Ballet/Tap combination classes and a room full of preschoolers who all needed to change shoes in a timely fashion and...

... here comes our talking feet! A simple smiley face drawn on the inside of the shoe and the smiley faces can talk to each other IF the shoes are on the correct feet.

Lesson taught. AND (drum roll please!!!!!) instant entertainment if perhaps you get a bit bored while walking through the store - tada my shoes are talking to each other!

Making our feet talk

Frustration free shoe lesson ;) 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wet Dry Vacume

We won't really go into why we needed the wet dry vacume but we did. And at 9:30 at night James quickly drove to Home Depot to buy a wet dry vacume hoping that A. Home Depot was still open and B. they would have a wet  dry vacume in stock.

Home Depot saved the night!

After I saw this contraption and the way it cleaned up water! AND oh my can any potty training household not have one of these inventions???

Lydia wants to potty train and she gets to very soon but I am still anticipating some messes. The beauty of the wet dry vacume if she can get over her fear of the vacume, then she can clean up her own potty training lessons!!!!!!!!

Stay tuned!

23 Months

Last year at 11 months: 

Lydia sat still for pictures AND did not have to wear shoes out of the house  ;)

Met her uncle Jon for the first time 

And was attempting to learn how to crawl or walk (she crawled for a couple days before walking!)

This year at 23 months: 

Lydia is full of personality. No longer walks - just runs! Loves her dad very much. Is a big ham for the camera and will usually sit sorta in one place for the camera. And at almost 2 years of age, she discovered donuts. Don't know how she skipped that part of life up until now... 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Random Pictures

Since I have been a bit behind on my blogging just a few fun pictures to show you!

Playing at a Kid Play Place

No fear on jumping in the jump house

Learning to Skydive with Dad


Playing Candy Land

Learning about the Letter A

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Beeeeeeeeeing Good

This week Lydia has spent allot of time in time out. As I was contemplating getting her ears checked for deafness I decided to try motivating her to listen.

Guess what??? Her ears work perfectly well with the thought of a glittery pink sticker is awaiting her when mom or dad catch her listening.

"I Was Caught Beeing Good"

When Lydia is caught listening she gets to choose a sticker. So far she has earned stickers for using her fork at lunch and getting a tissue to wipe her nose. She has listened for other things but sticker earning we are reserving for "surprise" listening rewards!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Water Table

 My Craigslist find. I thought Lydia would really enjoy a water table but I am really cheap and was unwilling to pay $40+ for one!

She loves her new to us water table! And it is a simple way to satisfy this girl's desire for the pool :)

Checking the table out
This is a neat idea Mom

What am I going to do with an egg in my water???

A short somebody needed to take her wet shoes off but didn't want her toes to touch the dirt. She asked nicely so she got a towel. I don't know where she became so prissy! 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Strawberries Again

"hmmmmm, how many strawberries can I eat before my tummy hurts?"

The second time we picked strawberries, Lydia picked very few berries and ate MANY. She was a mess to say the least!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Dear Lydia:

Your dad and I have learned that you learn best through natural consequences. Believe me, we have tried telling you that this cradle is for your babies. But you have not listened and continue to try to sit in the cradle.

And yes, when you got stuck your dad did run to get the camera before helping you out of the cradle (and despite your pained expression you really were just in the cradle for 30 seconds tops!).

After this evening, you have not tried to get in the cradle again. So your parents are right - you learn best through natural consequences ;)

We love you very much sweet girl!

Friday, May 18, 2012


Honestly, life has been a bit chaotic here and I just have not gotten much blogging done lately. BUT Lydia finally went to the beach. I know, I know, I know. We live 2 hours from the beach. She really would have enjoyed the beach last year but now that she is almost two we finally got the child to the beach. Success! 

We went all the way down to Charleston (which is almost 6 hours away but really Charleston is just soooo pretty and we have some great friends down there!). 

Ready for the beach. She has no idea what to expect but is skipping her nap and is quite excited to be  "going".

And she was delighted with the beach. 

The sand was delightful. 

The waves were "FUN"

And sand toys are also super exciting (seriously need to get her some because she really does enjoy stealing other children's sand toys!). 

Lydia's favorite new words "ocean please"

We got to visit with some good friends. Sadly I did not take any pictures of the grown ups... But Lydia and Raegan were kindred spirits. 

Lydia talked Grandma into a doll stroller... 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Great Painting Adventure

Kitchen: Before (cranberry walls)

Lydia "helping" with the process

Kitchen: After (Deep Purple Walls!)

Living/Dining Room: Before - Stark White Walls

After: Burnt Almond Walls
 Moral of the story: next time we are just hiring painters. But I did save us money by doing it myself.

But the painting is done - eventually we will get pictures back on the wall. Fingerprints, food, smudges, and odd looking stains have not yet shown up. Supposedly this paint can be "gently washed" and I am hoping this is true!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Yes, We Really Did...

...let our daughter color on the walls. 

Before painting. Just seemed like a fun activity. Prefaced the activity "if you ever do this without Mom or Dad's permission there will be a consequence!".

Says" Lydia lives here"
Says, "James and DeAna paid for Lydia to live here..."

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

"Pray Please"

I admit I have a prayer Nazi living in my house. "You must fold your hands, close your eyes, bend your head, AND pray often". You better not leave a step out because the Prayer Nazi is watching!

After breakfast my dear daughter climbs the steps to her bedroom, reads her Bible, rocks her babies, and is often found with her hands folded, eyes, closed, and head bent. (And I kinda enjoy this 10 minutes!)

Mealtime - you gotcha we have the most blessed food in the state! Usually blessed countless times during a meal.

Randomly though out the day the babies of the house must STOP, fold their hands with help, and all the little ones pray.

Playing with friends - well, let's face it sometimes you just gotta use your bossiest tone of voice and demand that ALL pray NOW (we are working on asking not telling!).

Bedtime - James and I are often  reminded prayer happens with hands folded. Sometimes with a little eyebrow lift from the smallest family member (need to work on that one with her but at bedtime - just ummmmm, picking my battles!).

Middle of the night - well, can you really be annoyed with somebody who calls out to you REPEATEDLY to come pray? (And yes, actually when this little somebody calls to you multiple times to "PRAAAAAAAYYYYYY Please Maaaaaaaaa" said in their whiniest/tiredest voice EVER!)

Where did this prayer Nazi come from???

I have blamed Grandma for creating the "we must hold hands" to pray before meals. I can tell you it didn't come from me - greasy, sticky hands should really stay to themselves!

I blamed church for the fold your hands to pray and really what teacher does not want the roomful of toddlers to have their hands in a position to not be able to touch their friends!

I blamed myself for the middle of the night and bedtime prayer Nazi. Did I mention I am picking my battles - middle of the night and bedtime prayer bossiness aren't in the battle plan yet!

This weekend, when I had been followed around the house for a good 10 minutes by this persistent little girl who just wanted to "praaaaaaayyyyyyy pleeeeeaaaaasssssseeeeeee" - we won't mention how many times we had already prayed that morning. I gave up. We sat down and blessed the baby dolls food again, prayed for an extra dose of patience, AND prayed that nap time would come soon (God appreciates our honesty right?).

And then I realized, is it really so bad that Lydia is reminding me all day to pray? I don't remember what I was doing this weekend while being chased down to "pray please" but really in the grand scheme of things I am sure whatever the "chore" was that eventually it did get done. Maybe God's voice I have tuned out better than the whining voice that is chasing me down.

Is eating dinner in a timely fashion really so important? (When you pray every other bite meal times do take allot longer!)

I don't really think God cares about how we look when we pray but this is very important to the Prayer Nazi ;)

This week I am making more of an effort to "pray please" ;) And I will try to be thankful for this sweet little girl - no matter how many times we bless the plastic food for the plastic babies!