Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Don't Hit Lydia Jesus Until Friday!

Lydia found some old wrapping paper rolls and wanted to ride her donkey. A little Palm Sunday celebration. Ofcourse Isaac then needed a wrapping paper roll/donkey too. Lydia Jesus and Isaac Jesus were having a wonderful loud Palm Sunday celebration inside and we took our celebration outside!

No sooner had we gotten outside that Isaac decided he was done being Jesus and wanted to wave his donkey around. Lydia Jesus got very excited that somebody was waving palm branches for her triumphal entry down the street.

Typical toddler boy, soon the palm branch/donkey turned into a weapon to hit his favorite sister with. And then I heard these words from Lydia, "Don't hit Lydia Jesus until Friday Isaac. Isaac, Isaac, Isaac, in the story the people don't hit Jesus until Friday. Hit me on Friday."

P.S. Yes, Isaac stopped hitting Lydia but Friday is coming...

Monday, March 30, 2015

Fairy Houses and Easter Cards

Easter card creation :) 

Isaac got to have a Dad morning (they did guy things like eating breakfast, building forts, and playing with every toy in the house). Lydia got to have a Mom morning and we went to a class and got to make fairy (or troll) houses. Amazingly Lydia chose to make a fairy house and has spent many happy hours playing with her fairy house in the backyard. WIN!!!! 

Friday, March 27, 2015

Exposing The Kids to Art

I got the brilliant idea to take the kids to a toddler/preschool class at the art museum. Sounds like a good idea uh? Overcast grey morning. Good opportunity. Isaac isn't napping in the morning. This must be successful!

Lydia had a wonderful time and learned all about symmetry. She even made a really cool art project.

Isaac enjoyed the free play. Tolerated the coloring. And most of all was fascinated with looking out the window. Apparently in a toddler/preschool class at an art museum the toddlers are supposed to sit quietly. Isaac and I got fussed at multiple times for not sitting and listening.

SO I think we will find other ways to introduce the kids to art. A place where Mommies take several children alone rather than Grandmothers taking ONE grandchild.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Our Week So Far

We tried a fun new cookie recipe (chocolate chip cookies with cream cheese). The cookies turned out delicious and we discovered Isaac likes helping in the kitchen. ALLOT! I asked him if he wanted to help and he immediately started pulling his chair into the kitchen. 

Eating cookie dough would have been the favorite part...

Lydia rides around on James shoulders all the time. Isaac realized this week that he could also do that. And he was very eager to also participate! I enjoy seeing him realize little by little he can be a big kid too. 

We went out to eat at a Mexican restaurant and Lydia got a weird chip. She was thrilled with her huge weird chip! 

Lydia posing with her library card. She is so thrilled!

We played "memory" with Easter egg sounds. I filled each egg with a random craft supplies (googly eyes, stickers, beads, etc...). The kids enjoyed the game and they both could play it. Mommy WIN!

Isaac then sat and played with the eggs and putting them in and out of the carton for several minutes. For Isaac that is another success! 

For a boy who never sits still that carton of eggs is being put on a shelf for another day very soon. Infact while I am trying to fix dinner tonight maybe :) 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Lydia Reads

Lydia has read another 12 books. And what better reward for reading another 12 books than to get your very own library card! Lydia was so excited (that may be an understatement as we were an hour early to story time as Lydia could not contain her enthusiasm any longer!).

Singing about her library card! 

I started to take pictures of Lydia getting her library card but I decided to be a cool mom and let her do her thing. (But she was sooooo cute standing at the desk signing her library card!). And she happily checked out her books, put them in her bag, and talked to the librarians about all her favorite books. Lydia is growing up quickly into a lovely young lady. 

And I was kinda glad to see her pull out her plastic toddler wallet and construction paper credit cards tumble to the floor. She is still a little girl too :)

Monday, March 16, 2015

A Glimpse Into Isaac's World

Oh, Isaac. I have some questions for you. I hope you have logical reasons for your actions (right now I am not seeing any logic at all though!). 

Why have you been waking up between 2 and 4am and not going back to sleep? 

Why did you decide it a good idea to throw Goldfish at my head while I was driving down the road? 

Why do you not cry when you fall but teeth keep you whining all day long? Seriously, you rolled down the driveway this weekend and busted your lip, scraped your nose, and have a huge bruise on your forehead - zero tears. You are whining all day and night long and the only reason I have is teeth - I even took you to the doctor! 

Why are you just so darn cute? Actually I know the answer to that question, your cuteness softens the blow on your antics? 

What did you build here? It must be cool because it made you laugh but we could not quite figure out what you had built or were pretending to do! 

Ummm, how did you get the broom - one? And why do you have the broom swinging it around by the tv? 

You were chasing your sister and laughing. She was trying to enjoy you. But why were you chasing her? Actually I think I now the reason - you love her allot and really just want to play with her all day long! 

Spill the beans - how do you get up at 2am for the day and have this much energy at 7am??? 

Are you going to become a bird when you grow up? 

Friday, March 13, 2015


Can they get any cuter???

P.S. Hurray for spring and sandals!!!!!!!

Lydia was less than thrilled to have a baby brother walking (he is enthusiastic but quite slow!). 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Daddy Daughter Date Night

This girl just had to get dressed for Daddy Daughter Date night first thing in the morning! We are that efficient at our house ;) It was a very long day waiting for Daddy to come home - we can leave it at that! 

I did convince Lydia she could play outside even though she was dressed for her date... 

Eventually the hair style changed. Jewels were added. Jewels were taken away. Bows were changed. Teeth were brushed countless times. Socks were added to the look. Socks were taken away. Shoes were debated. Let's just say, this was an all day affair!

FINALLY Daddy Daughter date night time!!!!!!! 

And Isaac and I deserved a piece of chocolate cake after that day!