Saturday, January 30, 2016

Celebrate FRIDAY!

Some weeks we just need to celebrate the week is over. So the kids and I made a cake and we ate cake at 4pm on Friday. Because whoohoo, the week is over :)

We will leave this story unsaid but Isaac earned himself the gift of 24-7 video monitoring in his bedroom... And James had a better sense of humor about ordering this "gift" for Isaac than I did. 

James and I finished another puzzle. Happy Winter I guess... 

Despite the warm for winter temperatures the ice in our backyard just would not melt. So I bought yellow flowers. Bright sunny yellow flowers and a candle. Whatever it takes to make a week better :) 

Friday, January 29, 2016

Big Kid Clothes!

When a little boy begins wearing underwear his pants just don't fit quite right. I finally found some pants that fit this tall skinny and little bit goofy boy!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Snowflake Painting

At some point while being snowed in, we painted snowflakes. Perfect way to keep little hands busy for 3 - 4 minutes of messy fun ;)

No, Isaac is not wounded. He painted his forehead with blue paint... 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Sleet Storm!

Did you know when enough sleet falls it actually accumulates? I thought in theory this could happen but had never seen it until last week...

Our sleet storm:

Conclusion: Lydia LOVES any weather precipitation and did not care that she was being pelted with sleet. Isaac (and the rest of the family) care about getting pelted with sleet pellets. 

We watched way more TV than normal. 

We made pretzels before bedtime. And the next day we were glad to still have electricity and see snow falling to be able to play outside a little bit. Lydia would have happily played outside all day long. Isaac played outside for a few minutes and then decided to go play INSIDE with his friend. Who said two year olds aren't smart! 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Puzzles Together!

Isaac is getting to the point he is old enough to participate in puzzles and board games with Lydia. Score!!!!!!!!

With the cold weather this week, we have had allot of time to play puzzles and games in the basement. Photographer Lydia took pictures of one of our completed puzzles....

Friday, January 22, 2016

Winter Accessories

For reasons I don't fully understand my children love to dress up and run around the house in all the winter hats, gloves, scarves, etc...