Thursday, February 21, 2013

Snow (AGAIN!)

The SNOWMAN! James worked really hard on this snowman and Lydia enjoyed talking about doing the work. HAHA!

Learning how to make snowballs. 

Learning to throw snowballs.

After less than 2 hours - our snow is gone :( 

BUT overnight, we got more snow. In the words of Lydia "crunchy snow" (i.e. snow covered with ice!). 

And black ice! 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Popcorn Maker!

Our microwave died over a year ago. One of us has really missed popcorn. ALLOT! So we broke down and bought a popcorn maker (after a year - I have realized that we really didn't use a microwave enough to warrant the counter space).

James told Lydia that the popcorn maker was going to be loud - she was holding on to Dad for dear life! (Check out the socks/pants - haha!)
Watching the popcorn come out. 

Tasting the "yummy POPCORN"

This Daddy's girl really enjoyed her popcorn allot! Almost as much as her Dad did ;)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Valentines Projects

I tried really hard to get into Valentines Day this year and I failed. Lydia enjoyed all things Valentines (thank you friends, family, and businesses for helping my daughter celebrate Valentines Day!). 

We did get some glittery hearts and hang up in the living room. I did not even take a picture of this! 

Lydia enjoyed the glittery hearts on the back porch window - she rearranged them often while singing about how great Valentines Day is. 

We did buy the supplies to make a Valentines dessert - we should do that sometime soon ;) Pink cheesecake for St. Patrick's Day - perfect! 

Dot Art with Valentine Projects

Lydia did lots of cutting this week. Lots of coloring. And sadly I only got two pictures. OH WELL! 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Saturday Morning with Dad

Cuddles with Dad are the BEST! Isn't it great how obedient James is and lovingly holds baby doll Faith ;)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

D is for Dolphin

Finger painting an Ocean

Finger painting Fish

Assembling our ocean (and decorating some more!)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Daddy Daughter Date

 Lydia ADORES her Dad. And loves Chick-fil-A. (Sometimes I wonder if she just puts up with Mom and Dad so she can get to Chick-fil-A!). So a Daddy Daughter Date at Chick-fil-A was a much anticipated event at our house.

 Lydia planned her outfit atleast a week before hand. The outfit changed multiple times but let's say that the anticipation of this event was as great as the actual event.

Twirly Puppy Dog Dress, Beads, and a Sun Hat! Seriously could there be a better outfit than that!!!!

We had some shoe decisions... Which shoes should I wear???

Quick Picture while holding her invitation

"Please can we go now???"

Both Lydia and James seemed to have fun. Lydia's favorite part of the evening was apparently the Sundae bar. The princess Cow has been discussed allot. The picture frame with picture of Lydia and her dad has been prominently displayed in her room and is gazed at often!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Dear Lydia:

This week, my sweet innocent little girl, has been tough. You have pulled out all the stops and it seems that the week should be noted in our memories for you.

You were getting over a cold AND getting your last molar. So your Dad and I were trying to be understanding. BUT Monday night (after a wonderful date night with your dad - who was feeling pretty miserable himself!) you came home in a very defiant mood. But we talked about your defiance and you had multiple time outs and we eventually got you tucked in bed. (I do say WE because in the mood you were in it took one parent to help you along and one to take a break from your "adorable" self).

And then Tuesday morning came upon us. Let's just say that I lost track how many spankings and time outs you received  I think we spent more time reading the Bible about what we should be doing than we spent playing. You successfully memorized Ephesians 6:1 in just 2 hours!!!!! We eventually got our act together and went to Target and Kroger (because where else can one go on a bad day but to Target???). Ofcourse you were an angel at Target - you had great fun on our scavenger hunt finding the products in the coupon pictures.

Let's talk about lunch. I asked you if you wanted carrots or green beans for lunch (let's remember here you hate carrots and love green beans). With a glimmer of evil in your eyes, you stomp your feet, and declare CARROTS. After an 1.25 hour stand off over Mom telling you to obey and eat the carrots, a couple time outs, and then you happily declared to me "Know you are praying and I still won't eat carrots" and a bowl gets tossed across the room. I decide at this point to declare the battle over and sent you to get ready for nap.

OH nap! Let's talk about nap. No nap on this particular day. Despite the fact that you really really really really needed the nap! I checked on you once to remind you to settle down and rest. You know the deal, don't have to sleep but do have to stay on your bed. At the end of your rest I open your door to find all over your bedroom a shredded (yes, shredded) library book! I ask you what that was - I really was in disbelief - your declaration only got you in more trouble "No more listening tore up the book". To say I was mad was an understatement. I just closed your door, put on my shoes, and went outside to call your Father. Oh, he was also completely shocked and dumbfounded at your actions. We really had no idea what your punishment would be. But we made a quick battle plan and I called the neighbors to see if they wanted company for a few minutes. Thankfully, they did want company and sitting on the floor playing puzzles with the neighbors was a great reprieve for us all.

Your punishment was given out later that night. Word of wisdom: giggling about your disobedience really only makes Mom and Dad want to give a more serious punishment. So you have lost the privilege to have books in your room, lost swimming lessons (which you were well aware that you were supposed to do that night), talked about forgiveness and remorse - big topics but really giggling about disobeying - NOT COOL, asked God for forgiveness  and last but not least you made an apology note for the librarians.

After eating dinner (which was still drama filled!). I put your PJs on and you were in bed and asleep by 7pm.

Wednesday morning, the happiest little girl came giggling into our bedroom. Hugs for all. Sweet smiles. Obeying on the first time. Dad and I both were wondering "who is this child"???

Later that morning like a big girl, you walked into the library and gave your apology note (still giggling) and paid for the book with your "swim lesson money". On the way home, we talked about happy hearts and you said your heart felt better now that you had asked for forgiveness  And then the giggles turned into fake weeping. Really??? This isn't remorse at all!

The week has continued with your giggles about tearing a book up. You have asked multiple times when your swim lesson (to which your Dad and I always respond "not this time" and then you giggle some more about tearing up a book). Your giggles are really not helping the situation!

And then Friday morning, we had a turning point. We were at the library and you saw a copy of the book you tore up. We got to look at that book and you were proud of the fact you paid for this book with your swim lesson money. We talked about how to be gentle with books. On the ride home, you informed me that tearing up books is not good and that you will obey Mom and Dad. The big exciting news - this was said with a genuine remorse. No giggles, no fake weeping, genuinely sorry for your actions.

So all this to say, it has been a tough week for us all this week - a week filled with attitude adjustments and trying moments for Mom and Dad (this was just the big situation - there is not enough space for all the little potholes you have created for the week!). But at the end of the week it is nice to look back and see that I think maybe you are beginning to understand that your choices have consequences.

Lydia, we do love you and as you told me several times after this week "consequences help me be a nice girl".

Many Winter Projects!

Making a snowman with Puffy Paint (some may call puffy pain glue and shaving cream!)
Dot Paint! 
Drawing Arms for our Cotton Ball Snowman

Finished Cotton Ball Snowman

Gluing buttons! 

Puffy Paint was a Favorite Activity ;) 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Missing Uncle Paul

We were driving to the grocery and Lydia is on her "phone" having a grand chat session. When her call ended I asked who she had been talking to.

"I miss Uncle Paul. I was telling him jokes."

We talked about Uncle Paul for awhile and next stop light we just had to take a picture to send to Uncle Paul on Mom's phone!

Lydia was telling Uncle Paul another joke! (Which for anybody who knows Uncle Paul's sense of humor - maybe Lydia has the same sense of humor ;) ). 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Fun and Busy Adventures!

Maybe the reason Lydia was under the weather was we were super busy last week ;) She had a morning of fun at a gymnastics place. Filled with jumping and twirling. Running. Leaping. And ofcourse lots of giggles. Sadly I totally forgot my camera. But the pictures probably would have been a blurry mess because Lydia never slowed down while she there!

The next day we went to Marbles. Much to our delight one of the rooms had been re-done. That little bit of change fueled Lydia's interest in the older exhibits in the "new room". Believe me we have played hockey at Marbles before! But it was NEW last week. Hahaha

Monday, February 4, 2013

Building Forts with Dad

Lydia was sick last weekend. Mystery fever that kept us inside and kept DeAnna awake allot of the night. Sunday night, James took Lydia (and I got a nap!). I came back downstairs and our living room had been transformed into a huge fort. Giggles abounded and a very excited little girl was thrilled to be having a camp out!

Where could Lydia be???

Sometimes when you are playing, the fever gets the best of you and you just need to take a rest! 

Trying to get something from Dad... Don't think he is going to give in to whatever whim Lydia has dreamed up!


Maybe Dad is tired too :(