Monday, October 31, 2011


This week I was very exasperated with my dear little girl. She had spent the day turning toys upside down, walking on them, throwing them, destroying them, and getting hurt.

I figured that she would eventually learn that when you play with your toys this way, then you get hurt. She was getting this message but was still determined to play with her toys in unsafe ways.

We had played outside for HOURS as I was hoping to get this energy out of her little body. 

She had gotten in time out (really, not supposed to tear books up just for the fun of it!). 

We had done art projects. Taken walks. Re-organized every low cabinet and closet in our house. And still one of us was destroying her toys systematically. 

James brought up a good point. Maybe she has outgrown her toys. I was a bit skeptical but went with it. Lydia got to pick out big girl toys from the closet. Within minutes we were nicer to our toys. (Not nice just nicer!) 

And then our very sweet neighbors offered Lydia their old slide. I think the slide was just what Lydia needed. Hours and hours and hours and hours of play. Up the slide. Down the slide. Around the slide. Scooting down the slide. Standing on the slide. Getting all that energy out of her little body. So I guess she is no longer a baby and is truly a toddler! 

Did I mention we can scoot the slide around the basement???

I think that is a look of victory! 

A towel and we can't scoot the slide (i.e. mom can leave you  and fix lunch!)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Playing Ball With Dad

Their new nightly ritual... Why this calms Lydia down for a great nights sleep I really don't understand. But a quick game of football, sends Lydia to bed with giggles, a smile, AND she sleeps all night. So football it is!

Dad chasing the ball. 

Lydia throwing the ball and cheering dad along! 

And she gets off her throne to be chased! 

And after all that play, a quick game of felt board fun is in order!

Thursday, October 27, 2011


This little girl loves her accessories! 



Sharing With Dad...

Cool Kid!

Really really really cool kid! 

Pig tails, painted toes, purse, and BABY!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Getting Out of the House II

So I learned my lesson to not congratulate myself on being early. Because God does have a great sense of humor!

After I taught the class, I went to pick up my dear little child. She decided to have a little fashion show while I was gone. I should have taken a picture of the outfit that she have convinced the teachers to let her wear. But picture this: orange flower too small pants that are now capris, beautiful colorful and pastel sweater, striped brightly colored socks, and brown shoes. Some battles are not worth picking and I took her home in this outfit. After we get in the car with this wonderful outfit on I remembered we needed to stop by the store and pick up roach bait (we just have a few persistent little roaches that refuse to DIE!).

Lydia is quite tickled with her outfit AND she wanted to carry her empty purse into Lowes. So to entertain the child I gave her a couple treasures to carry in her purse and I set out to read the ingredients listed on the roach bait. Lydia is quite entertained and I am quite enthralled with reading the chemical names on the roach bait. I wasn't paying attention and I picked up a box of liquid roach bait to read the box. I have roaches on the brain and am a little grossed out by this reading and the liquid in this box moved. I SCREAMED. Loudly. And threw the offending box of roach bait across the aisle. Thankfully for me there was nobody within the line of my throw but many employees heard my scream and came running.

The crazy woman explained herself to the employees (and no I did not buy that liquid bait!). As I was walking away I realized that Lydia and I are quite the sight to behold. I am dressed like a sweaty dance teacher. She is dressed like, well I don't know what look she was going for! And I am screaming in fright over roach bait.

So morals of the story:

  1. Don't count your eggs before they hatch (I think we are going to aim at leaving the house at 8:20!)
  2. Ordering roach baits online is really the best way to go :) 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Getting Out of the House Part I

Since James as gone back to work in a traditional work environment (i.e. he is no longer working from home in his PJs until late afternoon!) we have become more of an early morning family. Most days we are up, fed, dressed, work out completed, showered, and ready to go play by 9AM.

One morning a week though we have to be in the car pulling of the driveway by 8:40. So I tell myself 8:30 to give ample "extra" time. Really, this should not be a big deal. If I don't work out, then we have plenty of time. Right? Well, you would think so! Most weeks we are only a few minutes late. Which is fine because I have my 10 minute cushion.

Yesterday, we are awake, fed, dressed, shoes on, bags packed, and even changed the sheets on the bed by 8:15. Really too early to get on the road I congratulate myself and sit down to play with Lydia for a few minutes. Looking back, I should not have congratulated myself!

8:30 - I remember it is TUNNEL week in dance class and run upstairs to grab the tunnel.
8:32 - Lydia decides to change shoes (really, kiddo the brown shoes look beautiful with your outfit!).
8:35 - OOPPPPPSSSSS - forgot to label the sippy cup
8:40 - LATE - seriously how did this happen??? I decide I can make up the extra time by only making one trip to the car. Dance bag, purse, and diaper bag on one shoulder. Tunnel around neck. Labeled sippy cup and water bottle in the crook of my arm. Keys in one hand. Help Lydia out the front door. Lock the door. And remind Lydia that yes she really can walk down the steps.
8:45 - Lydia forgets how to walk down the steps and does a wonderful flip into the thorny flower bed. I drop all my stuff (yes, bean bags are now all over the front yard and there is a giant tunnel rolling towards my car!). Lydia's lip is gushing with blood. Find my keys. Unlock the door. Stop the bleeding. Give her a cold drink. Put her in the car. Find the bean bags. Put the tunnel away yet again.
Oh, and the neighbors have seen this dramatic show and just have to stop to their commentary ;)
9:01 - Pulling out of the neighborhood. Thinking I certainly will not be early to class BUT I will be right on time.
9:13 - Pulling into the daycare parking lot. This day of all days there is a line out the door of people checking in their children and one dear mother telling the manager all about her child's many allergies (which might I add the child has not even been to an allergist for an actual allergy test!).
9:27 - Back on the road. Thankful that the bleeding lip finally stopped and I am not a totally over the top parent of a kid with allergies!

Best news, I was a few minutes late to class but was there before all the students. Success!

Monday, October 24, 2011

I Think We Have Our Hands Full...

This weekend I got Lydia out some play clothes. Cute but play clothes. Clothes a child could go to story time in, roll on the floor, jump in, crawl through the room, and basically be a comfy and cozy one year old in. Well, Lydia came to her bedroom, took a look at this outfit, and shook her little head. Well, being that it was Saturday morning and we were in no rush at all (the child takes FOREVER to pick out her own clothes!) I let her pick out her own clothes.

After she had selected the cute dress, appropriate tights, and a beautiful bow down she runs to present herself to dad. The little princess then spins for her dad, claps her little hands, and waits for the applause. (Life is good as a one year old!).

I think we have our hands full with this little one!

Presenting Our self to Dad

Off to Story time (notice baby in hand!)

"Hurry up! I will miss the fun."
The sad part of this is Lydia was dressed up and James and I were wearing sweat shirts and jeans. I am sure people wondered why I made our child get so dressed up when we were sooooooo casual!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Sibling Rivalry

Lydia really can be an only child and be OK! I always wondered who only children had to fight with. How did they learn to stand up for themselves?

I have no fear about this anymore...

Lydia has several toys that she fights with way more than she ever would with a sibling. (The sibling would eventually walk away but the toy stays right there and continues to fight with her!).

Toy Car 209        Lydia 210

The toy car and Lydia are pretty equal in their battles. The car will tip Lydia. Lydia will pay the car back by standing on it. The car will then decide to go super fast while she pushes it and make her fall. She will get even with the car by smacking it again and again. Sometimes I think in the middle of the night the toy car wakes her up - what else would she be terrified of in the middle of the night???

Then there is the musical play table...

She loves the toy. Don't get me wrong. But sometimes the toy just starts singing. Randomly. Nobody is near it. The thing just breaks out into her song. Sometimes in the middle of the night - so it really does wake the whole house up. Sometimes during the day. Lydia will then go over to comfort the toy and next thing I know she is trying to haul the toy away to someplace special. The toy fights back and both Lydia and the toy end up on the floor and both of them mad.

There are other toys that create more rivalry then play at our house. Don't think she needs a sibling when she can spend her days fighting with her toys!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Peanut Lessons - Trade!

We have a new wonderful game at our house. Lydia is getting several "treats" a week from random strangers in the store. All of these people mean very well and she is thrilled with the extra attention. But I am not that thrilled with Lydia receiving little packets of M&Ms and miniature candy bars. Suckers, stickers, and pencils we are good with :)

I have been trading Lydia her peanut treats for Hershey Kisses (that are peanut free). In my mind this is an equal trade. But it has resulted in tears. Every single time.

This week, I offered Lydia a sticker after we got home. She was soooooo delighted with her sticker that she immediately dropped her treasured candy bar. Completely forgotten. And what did she hold on to all day? That sticker!

So lesson learned - for the one year old a sticker is WAY better than chocolate. This won't last long I am sure but for this week - it has worked quite well!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Power of Borax

I admit it. We have had a roach problem at our house. All summer we have looked at outside at night and seen 50+ roaches all over our back deck. GROSS!!!!! Walking through our yard they would literally just be hopping around at your feet. So all summer I have tried everything imaginable to kill these little guys. And nothing has worked. It has been like a ticking bomb because I knew that once the weather turned cooler they would be inside.

I have kept the back porch cleaned. Fail.

We have put out outdoor roach traps. Fail.

We have sprayed pesticide (supposedly the same product that an exterminator would spray). FAIL (but time consuming!).

We have, well not we - one of us has tried to stomp them and kill them outside. Funny but failed.

I have cleaned the outside garbage cans. Fail.

Cleaned the various flower beds up around where they seem to enjoy. Very gross and left the neighbors with sore ears from my squealing but failed.

The weather has turned cooler and they have come inside. We have found them in the silverware drawer - which got cleaned really really really really well. Lydia has played chase the roach around the basement (she has no fear and I think she would if allowed catch these little guys with her bare hands!). We have found them on the walls in the kitchen. Walking across the floor. In the trash can. WALKING ACROSS MY FOOT - I am sure you heard that scream. In the bathroom. ON MY HEAD - once again lots of screaming. In one night, I found 6 for James to kill before going to bed - and I went to bed early that night!

And then in desperation, we found one more ridiculous idea. It was so ridiculous that James did this in the dark because he did not want the neighbors to see to the level we have stooped. Borax. The laundry soap. Yep, it is magical! In the dark, James sprinkled (supposed to only use a couple tablespoons but James decided if a little is good allot is powerful and sprinkled is used in the loosest of terms!) the exterior of the house with Borax. All the places that we have seen them outside got a little extra. The crawlspace got sprinkled. The deck looked like it had snowed. But the good news in a weeks time, we have seen THREE roaches inside the house. And many many many many roaches outside DEAD!

So still keeping the back porch clean. The food put away. The roach traps out. And I think a nice layer of Borax around the outside of the house is a great selling feature ;)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday Happy Dance!

It is FRIDAY!!!!!!!! We survived a crazy busy week but we had lots of fun :) After weeks, like this one I am glad that Lydia is 15 months old versus 3 months. She is so much easier. And the best part she just goes with the flow - this week meant she was with a babysitter 3 mornings and dance class 1 morning. Today we are thankful that tomorrow is Saturday and Lydia is a fun and curious toddler versus the mad newborn that she was last fall!

Dress up! 

There was little sleep going on in our house so when she did sleep we had to test our luck with a picture! 

Learning to play in the "jumpy seat".

Rolled over! 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How Many Pictures Will it Take???

We are in the process of selling our kitchen table and buying a new one (well, actually already bought the new one so the old table has got to go soon!). I thought that since Lydia was happily playing toys and ignoring my presence that I would snap a few quick photos of the table.

I quickly wiped off the table and moved the tables and chairs to get "good" pictures (well, really just pictures not showing the toys all over the floor!). This was done quickly and Lydia still did not notice. I thought to myself perfect, this is going so well I may even get the ad posted on Craigslist.

And then my helper heard the camera turn on...

"Hi, mom! I was just thinking you were going to all this trouble to take my picture!"

"oops, you snapped a picture of something other than ME, I will move the chairs". 

Thought this was a good picture but my little friend moved the chair into the shot and then I see a bit of her cuteness!

Watch out kiddo, I may sell you too :)