Friday, October 21, 2011

Sibling Rivalry

Lydia really can be an only child and be OK! I always wondered who only children had to fight with. How did they learn to stand up for themselves?

I have no fear about this anymore...

Lydia has several toys that she fights with way more than she ever would with a sibling. (The sibling would eventually walk away but the toy stays right there and continues to fight with her!).

Toy Car 209        Lydia 210

The toy car and Lydia are pretty equal in their battles. The car will tip Lydia. Lydia will pay the car back by standing on it. The car will then decide to go super fast while she pushes it and make her fall. She will get even with the car by smacking it again and again. Sometimes I think in the middle of the night the toy car wakes her up - what else would she be terrified of in the middle of the night???

Then there is the musical play table...

She loves the toy. Don't get me wrong. But sometimes the toy just starts singing. Randomly. Nobody is near it. The thing just breaks out into her song. Sometimes in the middle of the night - so it really does wake the whole house up. Sometimes during the day. Lydia will then go over to comfort the toy and next thing I know she is trying to haul the toy away to someplace special. The toy fights back and both Lydia and the toy end up on the floor and both of them mad.

There are other toys that create more rivalry then play at our house. Don't think she needs a sibling when she can spend her days fighting with her toys!

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