Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Letter C

C is for CUTTING! 

And we decided to work on our numbers a bit too. Yes, there are a few "ugly" numbers that did not get to be glued to the paper. Who even knew that the number 1 was an ugly number to a 2 year old... 

Monday, January 28, 2013


We made Flubber recently! Oh, it was fun!!!!!!

We stirred.

Green makes the perfect Flubber! 

This smiley giggly girl who refused to touch Flubber for a long time gave me more reason to do more messy sensory things with her! 

Eventually Lydia decided Flubber was pretty neat (and super weird to touch!). 
Even James got into the Flubber game with us. Believe me this little bowl of Flubber has been played with allot (maybe more by Mom and Dad then Lydia though!). 
Noticing that James is waaaaayyyyy more into Flubber than Lydia???

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Blizzard of 2013

Waiting and Watching for SNOW (hours and hours before the snow is predicted to start!). 

We had a big NC snow storm this week. Snow amounts were predicted to be as much as 5 inches. We actually only got a dusting. But the anticipation is so exciting! The snow actually started about an hour after Lydia had fallen asleep but I woke her up so she could see (last year we got one snow storm - I did not wake her up to see the snow and the next morning the snow was gone).

In a sleep induced haze, she argued with me that the snow was rain. Eventually when the snow start accumulating she believed me that it was really snowing. 
 We were both really really really excited. Lydia was jumping up and down (ok, I may have been jumping with her too ;)). Giggles. Squeals of delight. Running from window to window - it was snowing out of ALL the windows!

She was just mesmerized with the falling snow. She stood there for a very long time and then even cuddled on the couch with me while we watched it snow. 

"I am going to build a big snowman". 

I was very thankful the next morning that I had gotten her up to see the snow falling because there was not much snow left the next morning (the yard was just a muddy icy mess!)

The pink bunny just had to go out to play win the snow/ice/mud. 

And enjoyed every minute of sledding with the neighbors in the back yard. We all came inside and were quite muddy - so I think we were sledding in frozen mud rather than ice ;)

The best news of all! During the snow storm, we had thunder. Which means in 10 days we will have snow again!!!!!!! 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Letter B

Lydia had yet another week of baby dolls, doctor, and kitchen play! We did decide to do a few projects a couple times but over all our week was consumed with baby dolls and play food (which we have no issue with at all - you only get to be 2 once!). 

She did think cutting and gluing bears sounded like fun. 
Judging from the finished product - she enjoyed herself!

We considered doing a craft project but Lydia broke her leg and I just had to doctor her up! 

In honor of our blizzard, Lydia made some gloves! 

We finished our letter A crafts. 

We played mailman with an old shoe box! 

This week Lydia also discovered Hi-Ho Cherry O. We played countless rounds of "cherry counting" game. AND Lydia and I did not cheat (Lydia and her father did cheat - don't think he is a huge fan of the "cherry counting" game).

Monday, January 21, 2013

Power of Masking Tape

With a roll of masking tape we can entertain Lydia for hours. We built a masking tape stage several months ago and that masking tape stage became a pool, bathtub, garden, car, Chick-fil-A, and so much more. BUT after awhile I noticed Lydia's interest was not that great in the masking tape stage with a little creativity the stage was transformed into a bull's eye!

Great way to exert energy on cold rainy days. Throwing bean bags at the bulls eye, running, cheering, jumping. Allot of fun (and Lydia cheats badly!).

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Mommy Guilt

Last week, we were out spending the day with Grandma. Our adventure took us to the mall and as we were walking past the shoe store we decided to go in. On a whim, I said yes to getting Lydia's feet sized (although I was positive she was in a size 5 or 6). Much to my amazement I learned that Lydia's feet were actually a size 7.5 or 8! Oh my. I felt terrible that I had been pushing her big feet into these little shoes. No wonder the child had been crying about putting on her shoes! 

I bought the little girl tennis shoes. Grandma bought the little girl cute shoes. As we left the shoe store - wearing the new shoes Lydia declared "I feel good all over now". Yes, thank you sweet girl make mom feel just a bit worse about the entire situation! 

Lydia really loves her new shoes. The boots with sparkly trinkets are her very favorite. The purple shoes from Grandma are "too cute". And it now takes even longer to get our shoes on because according to Lydia "too many cute choices". 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Disobedience from a Two Year Old's Perspective

Lydia's viewpoint on disobedience: "not disobeying because no snake telling me what to do". 

She was partly listening to her teachers on Sunday morning ;)

Monday, January 14, 2013

Tot School - Letter A

This week we considered learning about the letter A but one of us wasn't really into the whole "letter thing". She is 2 and I said OK! But we were really into SNOWMEN - comical since the temperature was in the 70's. We are the crazy snow obsessed family that has taken the time to draw snowmen and snowflakes all over our driveway with sidewalk chalk. There is something comical about that... 

We also painted with marshmallows. You guessed it and made snowmen!

Just ONE taste, please? 
"This is WAAAAAAYYYYY cool" giggles Lydia! 

And I just had to make one too! 

I do believe my little friend ate a couple more marshmallows - I hope without paint!

We have been struggling with lunch time prep at our house. Lydia is hungry and grumpy and it is a bit hard to fix that sandwich with one melt down after another. After trying many things we have reached a happy solution (for a little while atleast!), Lydia's notebook with her dry erase markers. She loves doing her "work". And I love the quiet while I quickly fix that sandwich!

Cutting! This was our only happy letter activity this week...

After our marshmallow paint snow men dried (which took awhile because some of our snowmen were thickly lavished with paint!), we drew hats, smiles, eyes, arms, buttons, etc...

And I guess we did decided to color an alligator but I can assure you with somebody's opinion of letters last week we just colored the alligator ;) hehe

Another snow man project, with dot paint, glue, AND cutting! Perfect Toddler Happiness!

More dot paint and colors...