Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Our Week

Here comes summer and our house is sticky. So I got the brilliant idea to try Isaac not being swaddled to keep him cooler. He went for it night one and was irritated to no end night 2. Maybe it was the pink sleep sack? Maybe he was on to me and really likes being hot and swaddled? Maybe he is cutting a tooth and is just irritable with me! But one day soon, we will try the sleep sack again (like after this tooth finally breaks through!). 

Isaac got a new baby toy. Lydia approves ;) 

Isaac prefers human interaction over the toy (go figure!). 

Lydia kindly gave Isaac a leg from the new toy to play with. Isaac went with it. 

AND this is why I quit purees! He hates them, I hate them, and I don't care if he eats sweet potato soup! Isaac loves chunks of cooked green beans, cooked carrots, cooked zucchini, peaches, and is thrilled when meal time comes around (which is a big improvement over the scream sessions we were having!). 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

I am Crying Because...

I am crying because Dad was playing with me and I was ignoring Dad and then Lydia came inside and Dad talked to her and NOW I want Dad's attention.

Park, Swing Set, and Popsicles!

Summer has arrived (I feel like we went straight from snowy too cold to play outside to summer but that is another topic!). We have really been enjoying spending our days outside. All day! 

Lydia is learning to swing herself (hurray!!!!!). 

Isaac has a message for park developers "can the baby swings be close to the big kid swings???".  I am needing to re-priortize our park visits keeping both of my kiddos in mind. This is a favorite park but is big and the little kid places and far away from the big kid stuff (which has up until this year been a plus for any park!). 

 But Isaac is learning to self entertain very nicely.

Lydia chooses to play with Isaac because she is also learning to self entertain! 

AND then a huge surprise! Dad finished the swing set. Whoohoo!!!!!!! Every mom needs a swing set - forget carseats, strollers, cribs - Swing sets people! 

The sign of a great day - spaghetti sauce on the face, scraped up knees, covered in mud. Happiness when you are three! 

And our new favorite past time "brother and sister sliding". Best part works on Mom's reflexes because they are getting faster and faster every day and at the end Lydia is going to let go and Isaac is going to jump! 

At the end of every hot summer day, a Popsicle is a must. (And I have to admit James and I thought it would be funny to feed a cold treat to our little guy who hates anything cold but loves anything mildly sweet!). 

I love this! 

It is getting cold. 

But if I hold it like this then it isn't cold. 

But the treat fell out of the paper and now it is cold all over! 

And that makes me sad! 

Oh, Isaac. It is just a Popsicle! They taste good. Lots of tasty treats are cold. Hey mom, can I have ALL of Isaac's cold treats???