Saturday, January 31, 2015

Let's Go Get Icecream

James and I decided to take a spontaneous trip to the icecream store after dinner. Well, Isaac misunderstood. Despite the fact dinner was yummy he refused to eat anymore and cried for quite a while. 

"Buddy, we are going to take you. Let's get shoes on."


"I still think you are playing a mean trick and I am just going to cry awhile about the injustices of the world."

Friday, January 30, 2015

Children's Museum!

With all the cold weather I got brave and took two walking children to the Children's Museum alone. We all survived and I came home with the same number of children as I left with. Success! 

Lesson Learned: Isaac will chase a ball anywhere! Literally anywhere ;) 

"Mom, I am unimpressed with this exhibit". 

"Mom, I think this exhibit is great!"

"Oh, wait. I see balls. I am good. No deal we can stay here."

Lydia takes Isaac on an adventure! 

"Isaac, buckle up!"

"Here, I will do it for you."

"Lydia, I need the wind in my face. Roll the window down."

"I can't do it right now. The light turned green."

I Can Walk!

Game on - Isaac is walking! 

Sometimes rolling is a better way to get places... 

Sometimes crawling is even faster! 

Nope I am not going to stand up and walk again for the camera. I will do it when you are not looking, thank you very much!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

I Can Spell!

Lydia had a lightbulb moment this week. She can figure out how to spell words. Saying she was proud would be an understatement! 

Am, bam, a rat, and mat were her words. 

And then they all took off to coloring. (Lesson learned - window crayons and a toddler are not the greatest combination...).

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Dancing at Story Time

You can't resist the beat when you are Isaac... 

And Lydia can't miss the opportunity to make her voice be heard (in a good way ofcourse!). 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Chef Isaac

Isaac and I got some time together this weekend. Doesn't happen often that I get one on one time with this little guy. And what did he decide to do with this gift? Play with kitchen ofcourse (this boy loves to cook!). 

Friday, January 23, 2015

Our Week

Teething crabby toddler not sleeping basically sums up our week! But we tried to do some things in spite of said grumpy toddler (some days we succeeded better than other days...). 

Q-tip Painting Snowflakes

After one not so great nap day (well, no nap day!), we went to Trader Joes for treats. For Mom. And no, I am not really eager to share the coconut bon bons with the children. 

James got a new "toy" (a laser gun type thing to find drafts in the house). 

Oh, and btw I was correct on where the drafts are without the use of a gadget! 

The coolest paint project ever! I froze some paint in our Popsicle maker and ta-da frozen paint is really fun! 

Allot of warm days equal many hours outside (praise the Lord - we would have gone insane inside THIS week!). 

Happy Birthday Grandma! We did not make a big deal about Grandma's birthday but we did decide to get some "Old McDonalds" icecream because Lydia has been asking to do that. And it was a nice day outside (and no nap again!) so we went to the park ;) 

Merry Christmas, again! The kids are enjoying the Christmas gifts in January allot ;) And this box arrived on the perfect day for a little pick me up. 

On that note, I need to go make a "we made it to Friday" dessert. Because, well because some weeks we need to celebrate it is Friday!