Saturday, January 10, 2015

A Week At Our House

One little boy is determined to push things (buttons, chairs, walkers, strollers, basically anything in the house that he can push he does!). 

We went to the library and both kids were delighted with new books!

Aunt Holly sent Christmas presents. 

James fixed breakfast and I got to cuddle with the kids and watch cartoons. Nice treat ;) 

Lydia read a book and we celebrated by getting frozen yogurt ;) 

Finger painting (yes, it is edible and according to Isaac tastes good too!). 

A random warm day and we got to go play at the park!

Penguin creation. 

Isaac was so fast I did not get a picture!
 We made patches like the Indians (because doesn't everybody do that!).

Isaac observed but I opted to not let the baby chew paper this particular craft time. 

Isaac is testing boundaries at meal time. His parents believe that he should not throw food and eat what is given to him (Isaac believes throwing vegetables and demanding "more" of his favorite foods is totally acceptable).

Thank you mom for giving me the opportunity to learn boundaries and eat what is given to me.
 A little afternoon Play-doh time on a very cold afternoon.


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