Saturday, October 1, 2011

If The Blackberry Could Talk...

Then I know what it would say:

"This is great. I am a well taken care of phone."

You see, after much research James picked out the perfect phone. Three years ago. We paid more for this phone then any phone should cost (and had to sign a 2 year contract!). But James loved his phone. It was lovingly cared for. Never dropped. The screen always protected. Used occasionally. In pristine condition after two years of use. And did I mention lovingly cared for???

The contract was up. We were no longer interested in being stuck in long contracts with a phone company. James was tired of always being available with his leash. And we had this little baby girl who was very unhappy if she only got to nurse for a few minutes and one of us was bored to tears sitting on the couch feeding this child all day and became an active Facebook person (the Blackberry helped greatly with this). So I, DeAnna, took over the Blackberry.

"You are an ok owner but you could treat me with the respect I deserve", says the Blackberry. 

The phone got spit up on just a couple times. The phone would get stuffed in the infant carrier (seriously, who can carry the infact carrier with one hand, close the front door, open the car door, AND hold the keys and phone). The baby would then kick the phone out of the baby carrier and the phone would take an amazing skydive down the driveway. The phone got it first scratch on the screen within days of getting a new owner! The baby first rolled over so she could get the phone - mission was abandoned because of a fleck of dust that was amazing. Baby's first steps - you gotta it GET THE PHONE was her mission. Baby discovered how to run by running away from mom with the phone.

The Blackberry became an angry vengeful phone and made a command
"Take better care of me or I will drop your calls, take hours to deliver a text message, and randomly turn off".

I really tried to be nice to this phone after the command. But apparently I failed. So this is the phone's newest owner and a glimpse into the first 10 minutes of their lifelong friendship.

For real, I get to play with the phone???

I am not letting it go...

"It really is all mine. I set it down and nobody took it away!"

Blackberry Meet Sippy Cup! 

"Look I can clap them together".

"Phone gets to go on a magic carpet ride".

"What will I do with this phone next???"

"I know bang it on the table!"

"And take it upstairs".

Sorry Blackberry. You are in Blackberry jail now. If only you had realized earlier that you were not as unique as you thought you were!

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