Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Our Week

Zucchini is AWESOME! Eating by myself is even better :) 

Teething tablets equal happy medicine for Isaac. Screaming and inconsolable baby and 5 minutes later happily jumping and playing in the Excersaucer.

Isaac is scared of balls. Really really scared of balls.
P.S. I do try to take pictures of Lydia but she is going through a season where she does not like her picture taken. Sometimes I can sneak one on her but this season in life it really looks like we just don't like her and we love her allot! 

Lydia was in a picture taking mood at swim time so I got lots and lots of pictures of her then!


"Why am I sitting in cold water outside???"

Lydia can be a whale on the sand. Yes, for real that is what she is doing! 

Sweetness :) 

"I still don't understand this activity Mom but I am going to to go with it anyway..."

Lydia has been invited to go sailing. On a real sailboat. Lydia believes she will be doing THIS. That should be a shocking (but fun!) experience for her. 

"Ok, so I am supposed to play in the water and move around???" 

"Dry land inside suits me better. Don't you think???"

SO many baby cuddles this week! 

Isaac has allot of tea parties during the day. He is loved though! 

GOTCHA Lydia ;) She is so cute! 

"I think you are crazy if you want me to sign 'more' before getting more food!"

It's a pile of kids! Yes, they pose like this often ;) Jealousy starts early in some relationships...

I actually had time for a little sewing project this week. DeAnna gets free time and makes a pillow for the kids. Makes sense right???

Yes, Isaac has graduated to being on my back! FREEDOM :) 

I can put cold food into the cold oven (not brave enough to take hot food out of the hot oven while wearing the baby!). 

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