Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Apple Stamping

Lydia and Isaac have discovered that they really like each other. ALLOT! Which is really nice to see. Lydia loves helping Isaac and Isaac has discovered Lydia can help him and he even allows her to do that occasionally ;) 

Lydia was showing Isaac the "snow". Some people call this snow frost but I was not going to burst Lydia's excitement! We even needed to have hot chocolate because tummies were sooooo cold. 

Both kids really really love doing different crafts. So far I had avoided doing real paint with Isaac. But really every child should experience paint right??? We did some apple stamping. The result: both love painting and it was not as messy as I thought it might be! 

Isaac really likes Lydia and could barely take his eyes off her to stamp his own apple. 

Lydia's art work! Isaac was a mess and I forgot to get a picture of his masterpiece! 

Isaac is pulling up on everything. He was quite excited to pull up and be able to look out the front door. And Lydia was happy to point out all the neighborhood happenings to him. (Watch out neighbors - there is a new spy at the Stojan house!). 

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