Tuesday, February 28, 2012

20 Months...

I no longer count how many months Lydia is. I just lost track of it all. She is 1.5. Almost 2. Walking and talking and in to everything. Really I just don't know how many months she is anymore off the top of my head.

BUT James knows! This weekend he mentioned that she was 20 months old now (has been for over a week now...) and she is growing up so quick. After I thought about I realized that ooopppssss, I forgot!

So Lydia one year ago... Proud to be sitting up. Staying in one place (until she fell over). Toys stayed in the general area of where Lydia was playing. I guess she still even sat in the bouncy seat from time to time (she loved that seat!). She even stayed dressed ;)

And now... Lydia has taken over the basement. She never stays in one place (which is why the picture is blurry - again!). She doesn't ever sit in one seat strapped in - inless she is eating and that is a quick sit, eat, and MOVE! She has discovered the joy of taking off clothes - so far she only does this when asked. And the toys have taken over our house. As I write this Lydia has set up housekeeping on the basement steps. Her doctor's kit goodies are EVERYWHERE - I found the "shot" in the fridge again - seriously I don't know why. We have books all over the living room. Puzzle pieces are taking over the upstairs. And we won't even discuss the basement ;)

We love our 20 month old. And I love that she is on the move and ready to play pretty much 24-7 ;)

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