Monday, April 13, 2015

Road Trip Mommy Style!

Possibly in a moment on insanity (infact the day before we left I was kinda considering this idea might border on crazy!) I took the kids on a road trip to visit my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and four legged family member by myself 500 miles down the road. 

We did it! And had a great time. We made lots of memories and the kids did fantastic all things considered. 

The drive was 7.5 hours and I figured that without another adult in the car to help entertain this would be easiest if we could cover allot of territory in the dark! So we were on the road by 4am (did I mention I might be crazy???) but we arrived pretty close to our destination by lunch time. Isaac basically whined or screamed 6.5 hours of the trip. So he needed food to make himself a bit happier ;) 

Lydia is still smiling after listening to Isaac and Isaac finally just accepted his day was going to be in the car seat! 

When we got to my grandmother's house the kids were thrilled to be outside and RUN!

Aunt V (who quickly became Lydia's "best friend ever!") and a 4 legged family member

We spent some time at an assisted living home visiting with my grandfather. The kids were enjoyed by all the residents (and my grandfather enjoyed seeing the kids and being the most popular resident since the little people came to visit him!).

The kids enjoyed playing with their Great Grandmother. My puzzle fanatic child discovered she could no longer do puzzles. Good thing there were so many willing family members to encourage her with the "hard puzzles" ;) 

After 2 days of visiting great grandparents, the kids had a bit of extra energy they needed to exert! So we went to a bounce house. Lydia loved. Isaac would have been equally happy at a fast food restaurant moving chairs. 

More puzzle help! 

By the last day we were alll soooooo tired! 

Isaac really really really liked my grandfather's cane. ALLOT! 

And Isaac does not like being told no... Working on that! 

I will only sit with you IF I can hit you with your cane! 

Lydia ended up falling asleep soon after. So tired! 

Breakfast on the Road Again! 

Sitting at a stoplight waiting to turn into our neighborhood. 

I think Lydia had even heard enough of Isaac's complaints by this point in time! 

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