Monday, September 19, 2011


Lydia is getting new molars. The first molar broke through her gums with no tears and I did not even notice until one day when she was giggling and there was a brand new sparkling tooth hanging out in the back of her mouth. Surprise. I thought to myself "these molars are not as bad as everybody says".

THEN a week later the second molar decided to start pushing it's way through. I can tell you exactly - down to the hour when this little painful tooth decided to interrupt our household.

But I have learned that Tylenol 30 minutes before meal time = Lydia being able to inhale her dinner.

Lydia doesn't really hate her dad. When she has new teeth coming in apparently it is mom's fault and therefore we must keep her within whining distance.

When she can't sleep at night, the ultimate punishment is ten minutes laying in mom and dad's bed and then she has a new love and appreciation for her own bed and will go back to sleep.

The good news we have 5.5 teeth already broke though the gums and only 10.5 left to go in her second year of life. Since we seem to be doing one new tooth every week I have high hopes that by Christmas she will have her first 16 teeth and we can have a little break (don't be the bearer of bad news to me, ok?). By the way I see it, Lydia is giving us the gift of a sweet, giggly, and sleeping baby for Christmas. (Seriously, let me live in my dream world - no night time dreams have been happening and this is the greatest day dream I can dream up right now!).

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