Friday, January 6, 2012

Tired Toddler

Ever wonder what a day is like with an exhausted toddler who has been on vacation???

8:15 - toddler wakes up, HAPPY, and with a diaper blow out (seriously, I would not wake up happy in that situation!)
8:45 - toddler happily eats French toast and drinks her milk AND actually watches a tv show (this is an oddity because this child never sits still long enough to watch a show!)
9:15 - toddler gets in the car and has a fit because ________ - fill in the blank because we don't know why!
9:30 - toddler decides to get happy and do everything in her bag of tricks in the car in record time
9:45 - toddler throws toys, books, bears across back seat of car while having a fit
9:50 - toddler vomits, parents search for an exit off the interstate and can not find one
10:00 - toddler vomits again - still no exit
10:05 - finally find an exit, get the screaming toddler out of the car, and begin to clean up said mess
10:30 - back on the road
11:00 - toddler decides to sleep (hurray!!!!),
11:45 - toddler wakes up and wants OUT, optimistic parents have already passed the Chick-fil-A and begin the drive to the next Chick-fil-A (there really isn't another fast food restaurant in our world...)
11:50 - toddler enjoys the fact that mom is giving her unlimited paci time and chooses to get quiet and enjoy her paci.
1:00 - FINALLY find the Chick-fil-A (yes, it really is worth the wait - Chick-fil-A has clean play ground equipment!)
1:05 - toddler cries and is inconsolable because she has to play in the play ground, parents decide whatever and get lunch.
1:10 - toddler decides she is not thaaaaattttttt hungry and proceeds to flirt with other restaurant patrons
1:30 - toddler has chosen to eat ketchup and a bit of chicken (really just ketchup)
1: 35 - toddler has a complete and total temper tantrum because the restaurant patron that she was flirting with the most through lunch TALKED to her. Can you believe it??? Somebody actually talked to the toddler. Well, this ended with the toddler rolling on the floor and crying. Mom picks up the overly tired child and carries her out of the restaurant. The fit continued over a diaper change, the thought that she had been given a new book, AND we are still two hours from home.
3:00 - after an exciting afternoon in the car with the overly tired toddler, making the 2 hour remainder of the trip home in a little over an hour, the toddler finally gets home and cries because her cruel parents gave her the option of playing outside?!?! The audacity of those people.
3:05 - a quiet rest time in the toddler's bed - you would think that the toddler would fall asleep but nope - she will prevail!
4:30 - toddler is rescued from the punishment of a nap
4:40 - toddler cries because one of her favorite people came over to see her, favorite person went running for the hills!

Let's just sum up the remainder of the day by saying the toddler endured many falls, fell down 2 steps, had yet another blow out diaper (think the toddler needs a bigger diaper!), peed on the floor, almost fell into the bath tub, countless fits of frusteration, and enough whining to hurt God's ears.

And after all that the toddler cuddles her bear and smiles sweetly when laid down in her bed.

The good news - the bathroom floor got to be mopped. The car seat and car got a thorough cleaning. We all had a nice vacation and we have a new funny story to hang over the toddler's head when she is old.

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