Saturday, August 8, 2015

Drinking From A Cup

This is a huge step for our little man. We introduced this idea several months ago and there were so many scream sessions when the cup was empty (hours and hours - 2+ hours over this small disappointment were not unheard of) . The logical solution is to put more water in the boy's cup and most children would stop crying. Well, Isaac did not fall in that category and I said whatever. Drink from a sippy cup all your life kiddo. I may have even told him that he will never get a job still drinking from a sippy cup and he was not going to live with me forever ;) I can summarize the scream sessions as bad. Really bad for the entire family (maybe neighbors too!).

Then this week, this magic happened!

See those smiles. He is very proud of himself for this victory. And when the cup is empty Isaac signs all done or more. We are working on words - we will get there eventually. Drinking from a cup is cool but I am WAY more excited about not screaming about the empty cup for hours! 

As long as we were talking about magical things in Isaac's world, I realized this week I took pictures of several small victories. 

Looks minor BUT Isaac is jumping on the trampoline WITH another child (infact that other child can even talk to him and interact with him!). He isn't screaming about it either. I tried to get his smiling face but he was a bit preoccupied. As I said, seems small but playing with another child near you without screaming is a wonderful development. 

OH, and instead of screaming for hours and hours when we are done with an activity we have learned to say NO! Success!!!!! Infact, look at that picture - he is done with an activity, has said no, and is waiting somewhat patiently while I take a picture of this moment! Small victories but I am rejoicing over this development (a simple no is much more socially acceptable instead of screaming for hours because you were done with an activity!). 

We have been working very hard with this little guy and I am very encouraged to see the progress he is making. I think he is even happier - screaming for hours wasn't enjoyable for him either! Many answered prayers for Isaac. 

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