Friday, November 4, 2011

Lydia's Declarations

People! I have arrived!!!!!!! My peeps introduced me to the most wonderful invention ever this week! Can you say, "night light".

When  I was little this entire night light concept irritated me. I would scream and scream and scream if there was a light on in the upstairs part of my world at night. Come on I spent months and months in my safe dark cocoon and slept just fine. Why now that I am in the world and just struggling to get used to EVERYTHING do you all think that I need a light to sleep? Just one more thing to learn to like and I couldn't handle it.

But now that I am a big girl, I hear noises at night. I see shapes. I know bad things could happen (did I mention that we were OUT of Goldfish for a couple hours last week???). Dad wanted me to have a energy efficient night light (it glowed blue?!?!?). Mom gave me a pretty purple night light with star cut outs though. This pretty night light casts a warm and cozy glow through out my bedroom. Mom won and I got a pretty night light that turns off during the day so it is energy efficient too (Dad says that his night light will just cost pennies to operate in a year!).

When I roll over at night I can check out my world and see that all is right in the world. My bear can find me. My blankets can make sure they stick close to me. When cars turn around on our street, I don't even notice the light because my room is all lit up like a Christmas Tree! I love my pretty purple night light. I just wish that I would have learned to like it earlier in life :)

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