Friday, July 27, 2012

Oh, Dear Lydia

I love you. You are a precious little girl. Today I put everything aside to just spend time with you. Stay home and PLAY. Sit in the floor and dress the babies, cook, play puzzles, color, well a perfect toddler morning! Dad was working from home and he was hoping to join in the fun.

You however, woke up on a mission. Chick-fil-A. A bad mission. The morning started off with "cow place". I said nope not today and told you of our day's plans.

A few minutes later you said "cow place please" while shaking your head YES. Cute, but still no.

Later you did a very dramatic show for me "cow place, cow place, cow place PLEAAAAASSSSEEEE". Still, no (by this point it is the principle - sometimes Mom says no and means it!).

Still later, your antics escalate to a chicken dance. As you flap your wings and waddle through the basement saying "chick chick chick" and as an after thought you add a smile and a please. Cute but still no. I offer you chick chick chick peas. You are not impressed with my thoughtfulness.

You know how Mom loves the cookies. You suggest a cookie treat. No luck little girl.

You know how Dad adores the milkshakes and tell me "Dad neeeeeeeeeds milkshake". Is kindness that is self serving really kindness? Hmmmm, I decide nope and stick to my guns.

I did decide we needed out of the house after all, we make a quick trip to the grocery. Your mission for the car ride - convince mom to stop at Chick-fil-A. I purposely did not drive near a Chick-fil-A as we went to the grocery store. Your singing/screaming only got louder. Not endearing my dear child!

Thankfully you fell asleep for a few minutes in the car. Your power nap was like a big giant RESET button. Mom won and you learned that sometimes no means no - even if you are being cute. And wasn't your nutritious lunch of peaches, grean beans, and pasta yummy???


  1. You remind me so much of when Emily was Lydia's age. They have so much the same personality. Keep "sticking to your guns" and she is going to be wonderful!

  2. That is encouraging LoriAnne. I do believe Lydia's strong personality will take her far in life (and I would know where she got that strong personality!).
