Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Get a Life DeAnna but...

 Ok small victories! But this made my day. I have been trying to get this kitchen sink clean for 2 years now with no avial. I had finally given up.

Then we were walking through Target and I saw cleaning supplies on sale and thought I would try one more cleaning product before giving up on the sink. I had tried all the other brands on sale without bleach and I decided to face my bleach fears and use bleach on this disgusting sink. (Can I tell you how many clothes my dad ruined when I was kid cleaning with bleach???).

Sink Before - Filthy I know! 

Sink After

The Full View!!!!!! WOW!

Lesson that I learned - if you use your head and don't throw the bleach rags in the hamper bleach cleaning products can be used!

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