Saturday, October 20, 2012

Sometimes You Just NEED to Whine...

Lydia was having an "off night". James and I were not positive what was going on but she was just in a funk.

Examples (there were many examples but we will leave it at the most memorable!):

Lydia: Mom lift me up (into her car seat)
Mom does this ever increasing task with the 28lb child! Lydia then climbs out of the seat.
Lydia: I do it myself.
Five minutes later Lydia is standing in her seat backwards and mom is still standing in the rain!
Mom's frustration grows and Lydia gets a consequence.

Finally by 7pm when she was given a second chance to eat her dinner and instead she chose to throw her cup of milk across the room. Followed by her fork. Lydia earned herself the opportunity to be in bed by 7:20! Good job Lydia.

Lydia fell right to sleep but at 9 she started coughing. So I decided OH she must be getting sick (I love explanations for why you were a turkey for the past 4 - 5 hours!). The coughing continued so I went into check on her only to discover that she had mastered a very genuine sounding but oh so fake cough. (The giggles after a super dramatic coughing fit were a dead giveaway).

I put the child back to sleep and went to bed myself.

Only to a couple hours later be awoken by the princess crying. So I went to check on her and immediately she stopped jumping on her bed and whining and went to smiling. BUSTED! Laid her back down.

30 seconds later the whining resumes. Yes, being the merciful parent that I am I rolled over. But the fake whining only continued.  Which got me to laughing at the comical scene that I was living at 1 AM (seriously - I have never had the desire to whine LOUDLY at 1AM!?!?!?!).

I got my laughter under control and went to tell the princess that she needed to go back to sleep.

But then I walked in the room and saw the princess, jumping on her bed, playing with her animals, happy as could be, but whining as LOUDLY as she could. I started laughing. But did tell Lydia to lay back down and go to sleep. Thankfully she did ;) It took James and I awhile to stop giggling so we could go back to sleep!

Apparently sometimes you just need to whine a bit :)

P.S. Yes, Lydia earned herself a consequence for her actions and thankfully learned her lesson in just one night!

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