Monday, September 10, 2012

Puppy Poops!

For those of you who don't know, we have a very large side yard between our driveway and sidewalk - no windows to really see this piece of land so it is rather "private" (for the middle of town that is!). We maintain this piece of land. We play in this piece of land. We pay monthly for the privilege of having this piece of land.

AND every neighbor with a dog seems to think it is OK for their dog to poop in this space. As gross as it is I have stepped in dog poop countless times in this part of our yard. James has considered installing lots of illegal things to electrocute, spray water, paint, etc... the dog that crosses into this peice of land. We have laughed about putting a giant sign that says "Smile You Are On Candid Camera". We have considered installing a large sign that says "Would you appreciate my child pooping in your YARD???". We have even considered a kinder more gentler approach of installing a motion sensing light to the side of the house but this would really only help with the dogs walking at night.

But at the end of the day when the jokes are over, Lydia isn't allowed to play in that piece of land any more and every week or so I go out there (and try to even keep a nice attitude about it!) and clean up the poop that is between the trash cans and driveway.

Occasionally if I see a person allowing their dog to poop in the yard I will kindly open the door and say "oh I see you don't have a poop bag wait just a second and I will give you one". Genuinely thank the shocked and bewildered person for cleaning up their dog's mess and tell them how much my daughter loves playing outside in her yard!

BUT the point of this post: this morning Lydia was enjoying her morning spy session on the neighbors. "Mr. Wade is sleeping. His car is home." "Oh, Miss Vickie Miss Vickie (sings Lydia) what are you doing today". "Mom what about Avery". "Can Jack play?" "Play nice with David". "Remember watermelon". And on and on and on the conversation went - quite honestly I tune these spy sessions out! But then I hear the front door opening and I go running only to find my dear daughter on the patio yelling at a passerby "Puppy poops. Need a bag. WAITTTTTTTTT. Don't leave gross!"

And yes, the passerby who was leaving puppy poop in our yard was made to feel very guilty and seemed to appreciate the bag that my daughter ran out to give to said person. Personally I wouldn't allow my dog to poop in the crazy toddler's yard again!!!!!!

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